Upholstery cleaning is quite a task. You cannot expect your couch to look the same, the way it did when you bought it, unless you are one of those who keeps them wrapped in plastic always. Upholstery steam cleaning is quite often a job done by professionals
However, it is rather easy on your pockets when you clean the upholstery yourself. All you need to do is rent an upholstery cleaner and this article will help you take it forward from there. Before you begin there are few prior preparations required.
Before you get on to the cleaning, vacuum the area you want to clean, also clean up the furniture you plan to steam clean. This is a requirement because vacuuming the place will remove the loose dirt which may clog your steam cleaner. Since upholstery steam cleaning is more often than not an annual ritual, it is better to rent an upholstery steam cleaner than to buy one. Upholstery steam cleaner rentals are a very common thing as not many people opt for buying these. While renting a cleaner, choose the one that can access corners easily. Once this is done, ensure that you are well versed with the equipment you are going to use. All cleaners are not the same and therefore be sure that you have the users manual handy. Different upholstery steam cleaners have different specifications for the cleaning liquid that is used. The liquid cleaner may also differ according to the kind of furniture that is being cleaned. Fill the tank of the cleaner with this liquid as per the instructions given. Steam cleaning sometimes fades out the color of the fabric, try cleaning a small patch or corner of the furniture just to be sure that the fabric is not being bleached.
Remove the cushions and side arms of the upholstery furniture. According to the instructions use the steam water and cleaning solution in sections. Doing so will avoid staining due to water. Using more water than required will retain the moisture and will ruin the upholstery. Use only the recommended amount of water. The extension for cleaning, must suck as much water as possible. This will remove the dirt along with the water. If your furniture has any metal attachments, do not wet them, as they will rust. If you do happen to wet these, dry them up with a cloth immediately. If your cushions are removable you can clean them up before or after. If the cushions are attached always clean them last. Allow the upholstery to dry well before you start using it again. Place the cushions back only after the upholstery has dried.
This was about upholstery cleaning of the couch and pillows at home, but if you own a car you must also know how to clean car upholstery, which is not very different but just a few alterations. There are special car upholstery cleaners available in the market to clean car upholstery. Another tip would be to use lesser amounts of water in steam cleaning car upholstery as the process of drying is rather difficult.
Many a time it is difficult to clean the upholstery yourself. The fabric may be too delicate to handle steam cleaning or the structure and design of your furniture may make it difficult for someone who is not trained for the job. In such cases it is advisable to get professional help.
This is all you need to know about upholstery steam cleaners before you start. My suggestion would be to gather all your happy helpers at home instead of undertaking this task of cleaning everything by yourself. A little help would do no harm.
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