To truly eradicate a cockroach infestation, you must take a comprehensive approach to pest control if possible without poison. Cockroaches are a high risk pest to have in the home. Most species will tend to be found in greatest numbers in kitchen areas or where food is stored.
The first instinct that many people have when they learn they have a cockroach infestation is to run out and buy every kind of poison they can find to kill them all. They use bug-bombs, roach traps, roach baits, roach sprays, and roach gels to carpet bomb their home. The problem is, this stuff isn't good for people either and roaches breed so fast they can become immune to poisons. In fact, what usually happens is they avoid the poisoned areas until you stop the treatments and then they move back in.
Beyond the health risks, cockroaches are a distasteful pest to have in the home. Not only are they disturbing by sight, but cockroaches produce an obnoxious odor that taints food and any objects they come into contact with. Droppings from cockroaches have been linked with increases in eczema and asthma.
Be more preventive in the approach to pest control rather than corrective. Meaning you must get rid of the things cockroach are attracted to.
First, you must seal off their access to your home. This means aggressively filling every tiny crack and crevice in your home with silicon caulk. Start in the kitchen and bathrooms and pay special attention to the spaces around water pipes and drains. Seal the insides of your kitchen cabinets and along all of the wall trim. This can take many hours, but will really pay off.
Next, clear up the clutter to take away their places to live. Get rid of paper and boxes and clean up clutter.
Now, you need to remove the food supply and water supply. Do a thorough cleaning in your kitchen and use a de greasers to get all of the surfaces clean. Fix any dripping faucets or other leaks. Put food into plastic containers or zipper lock bags and remove empty food and beverage cans from your home immediately.
Once you have sealed and cleaned, lay down some roach traps along the walls in areas where you suspect roaches. Monitor the traps daily. This will allow you determine where they are coming from and what type of roaches you are dealing with.
Now it's time to use some products to kill the roaches and some repellents to drive them out of your home and keep them out.
Whilst DIY products may be effective in getting rid of smaller cockroach problems, it can be difficult to reach all cockroach hiding places with amateur products. Infestations are likely to reoccur especially when surviving cockroach eggs hatch after one or two months.
We recommend that you seek professional pest control services for more serious and larger infestations of cockroaches. Please be guided and check out our main service here: cockroach control Auckland
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