Hornets are the largest species of wasps and known for their painful sting. Many homeowners who find themselves with a buzzing hornet’s nest on their property are left wondering how to get rid of hornets.
Unlike many of their buzzing counterparts like honeybees, hornets build new nests each spring. Each nest is started by a fertilized female. The female begins by laying the eggs in hollow tree trunks; these eggs will eventually hatch to become the nest’s workers. The colony continues to grow throughout the spring and summer, with the same queen laying all the eggs to produce the new members of the growing nest. The nest usually survives through mid to late autumn before the entire colony dies (usually with the onset of cold weather). Only the new fertilized females live through the winter, before beginning their own nests the following spring. Because hornets are only active during the warmer months of the year, they are significantly more common in warmer areas of the country, such as the southeastern portion of the United States. Still, they are found in most states within the continental United States and homeowners almost anywhere can be left wondering how to kill hornets.
An important reason to know how to get rid of hornets is the fact that their sting can be incredibly painful. And for individuals who are allergic to hornets’ venom, their stings can be fatal. Hornets typically have a higher level of venom than other insects, so their stings will generally be more painful. Even more frightening is the fact that hornets tend to attack as a group. If one hornet senses danger, it releases a special scent that alerts other members of its nest of potential danger. Then the hornets will join together to attack the perceived threat. This means that many people sustain multiple hornet stings.
Because of the dangers associated with hornets, it is important to approach hornet removal safely. Usually, professional exterminators know the most about how to kill hornets and are best equipped to remove hornets safely. There are many stories of homeowners being injured trying to take down a hornet’s nest themselves. Even if you think you know how to get rid of hornets yourself, this is often difficult to do safely and effectively.
Do-It-Yourself Hornet ControlFor more discussion of this topic, see links below:
pest control, insect control, pest control northshore
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