The correct way to clean carpet stains is to first collect as much of the offending spill as possible, then blot inward (blotting outward can make the stain bigger). After that, use one of the items you have gathered together specifically for cleaning carpet stains.
A lot of other common cleaning products contain chemicals that can damage the rug. Rinse well with the least amount of water necessary, and then pack the stained area with white paper towels or white cloths. Weigh the area down and leave it for 24 hours.
Keep the right carpet stain cleaning supplies handy in a place all their own. Collect the following items:
Clean Your Carpet the Simple, Cheap, and Environmentally Safe Way!
1. Vacuum. This is the first step to take in cleaning any carpet. Vacuuming picks up dirt traces and dust mites that "wet cleaning" can not do. Consider vacuuming at least twice a week.
2. Freshen Your Carpet. This will help eliminate most carpet odors and help keep your home smelling fresh and clean.
3. Invest in Floor Mats to Keep by Your Doors. This will help trap dirt and keep a good portion of it from spreading throughout your home. When cleaning your room rugs, do not forget to clean your floor mats, too!
4. Get to the stain as soon as possible.Speed is key here folks, the longer you wait, the more time the stain has to spread to adjacent carpet fibers, and the harder and more time consuming the carpet stain removing process becomes.
5. Clean towards the center. It is very important that you start working from the outside and clean towards the center. Otherwise you will spread the stain. Using a fresh or at least well rinsed cotton towel or paper towel (bear in mind that paper towels crumble), press down firmly on the carpet stain with your finger tips at the outer edge of the carpet stain and start rubbing inward.
6. Make it super dry. Once you are all done cleaning carpet stains, get the spot or spots dried up as quickly as possible. Wet carpet attracts dirt. Not only that, but the longer you leave it wet, the more wicking will occur. There's a good chance that you won't be able to get absolutely all of the stain out. Some of it will be down below the surface fibers that you are cleaning.
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Auckland carpet cleanings
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