Paper wasps are a unique species of the vespid subfamily Polistinae that build nests from dead wood and plant stems mixed with saliva. Unlike other wasp nests, the nest of paper wasps form an umbrella shape, thus giving it its other name, umbrella wasps.
Similar to hornet and yellow jackets, paper wasps are an aggressive pest that attack upon the smallest threat to their nest. There are approximately 22 species of paper wasps in North America with a total of over 1,100 species found throughout the world. Paper wasps are natural predators of ants and several other pests commonly found in lawns and gardens. Many farmers have employed the use of paper wasps to get rid pests that feed on crops. Though they are viewed an unintrusive pests, they can still pose a threat to humans. Equipped with stingers, wasps can sting upon sensing threats to them or their nests. Getting rid of them from your property is the right thing to do in keeping a safe home.
Though some may seen them as a beneficial pest, paper wasps can post serious harm to anyone living within close proximity of their nest. Paper wasps have stingers that they are not afraid to use at the slightest inkling of a threat, whether it is from other bugs or humans. Handling paper wasps can be a dangerous endeavor, which is why calling in a professional pest service company is not a bad idea.
A pest management company can offer a solution to paper wasp infestations. With professional exterminators, homeowners get the treatment that they need in order to receive the paper wasp solution they seek. The best part of hiring an experienced exterminator is that they have the knowledge and expertise to do it right from the beginning.
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pest controller, pest control, insect control
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