Dogs who live in warm, humid climates, where fleas thrive at temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees, and those who live outdoors are most vulnerable to fleas. Fleas are one of the major problems faced by the dogs and the reason of catching fleas is the presence of hair on their skin.
Fleas are the silent killersin dogs which steal the blood of the victims away and ultimately leave it with rash, itching, dermatitis allergy, and anaemia.
Fleas are hearty and nimble, and when searching for a host, they can jump 10,000 times in a row (the length of three football fields). Three pairs of legs make for excellent leaping capabilities (up to two feet), and a laterally flattened body allows for quick movement in a dog's fur.
With a complete life cycle ranging anywhere from 16 days to 21 months, depending on environmental conditions, fleas are most commonly found on a dog's abdomen, the base of the tail and the head. With heavy infestations, however, fleas can thrive anywhere on the body. They feed once every day or two, and generally remain on their host during the interim.
Though fleas are common in all dogs in the world and the stray dogs are more vulnerable to fleas, some dog breeds are more likely to catch fleas. Once they submit to flea infestation, it becomes hard for them to get rid of these silent killers.
There are some factors which host the fleas more in some dog breeds. These factors can be:
Dog with long hair
Dog breeds with long hair can be more prone to fleas as it is harder to trace the fleas out and eliminate them at one time. They can re-attack the victim because the larva or pupa can exist even the fleas are once finished up in the dog.
Humidity and temperature
Fleas on dog depend on the humidity and warmth of the environment where they can grow at 65 to 80 degree Celsius. This humidity and warm weather hosts the growth of fleas in dogs.
Outdoor and stray dogs
Stray and wandering dogs are more vulnerable to fleas as they interact with one another and receive no treatment if they catch fleas.
Dogs living in packs or other pets
If there are other pets at home especially cats and other dogs or the dogs are living in packs, they can fall an easy prey to fleas. Fleas can fly from one animal to the other. Often it becomes harder to trace the problem and it travels to the other dogs and pets.
Dogs living in High temperature Dogs living in high temperatures are more vulnerable to fleas as in high temperatures, they can sweat more than in the areas of low temperature. More sweating can cause germs which can encourage the growth of fleas.
Dog with low immunity level Puppies and the dogs which are suffering from any disease or are having low immunity level, can submit to the growth of fleas.
Moist places Living in the moist and wet places can make the dog fall a prey to fleas as they grow in such places at a faster pace.
For more information on this topic, check out the site below:
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