20 Symptoms of Candidiasis

Feb 19


Janice Townsend

Janice Townsend

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Candidiasis is essentially an imbalance that has occured through any number of different factors. This imbalance may be the result of stress, or excessive intake of sugar for instance.

Take a look at these and you may be surprised to find that these conditions may be the effects of Candidiasis # low sex drive # acne # indigestion # eczema # muscle weakness # learning difficulties # depression # pre-menstrual syndrome # cognitive impairment # dizziness # poor memory # persistent cough # earaches # athletes foot # sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals # irritability # headaches # sensitivity to perfume # mood swings # vaginal discharge Well,20 Symptoms of Candidiasis Articles were you surprised?  It's common for people to think about Candidiasis as nothing more than itching to the genitalia, but the effects can be far reaching.  Candidiasis can affect people in different ways, and the list of twenty that I've outlined above is by no means exhaustive.  Perhaps one of the most worrying aspects is that a symptom such as dizziness could be caused by any number of things, and to attribute it to Candidiasis may require a great deal of investigation. How will you know?  Well, the first thing you can do is visit your doctor, but don't expect them to give you the answer immediately - they will probably be in the dark as much as you! As you search for a Candidiasis cure, you may well find you just click on it, and the problem will be resolved. Here, you may choose to consider your diet, by avoiding things such as mushrooms, bread, sugar, and alcohol. This will help you get to the cause, though not necessarily cure it completely. Your doctor may offer various medications, but do avoid antibiotics as they will only aggrevate the problem.  Too, there is the consideration of conventional medications, or perhaps you would choose a more holistic programme of recovery. Conventional medications tend to deal with the effects, whereas an holistic approach will look at the cause and take many different factors into consideration. First you may want to look at what exactly Candidiasis is. Candidiasis is essentially an imbalance that has occured through any number of different factors.  This imbalance may be the result of stress, or excessive intake of sugar for instance.  Candida Albicans exists in its natural state within our bodies.  Under normal circumstances Candida Albicans lives quite harmoniously within our bodies. However, when an imbalance occurs the yeast organism begins to explode and consequently overtakes the positve bacteria.  When this occurs it can proliferate throughout the body and cause all manner of problems.  The most common of all of these occurs with severe itching to the genitalia, and in this state it is reasonably easy to identify. However, it can readily affect mental health or other chronic illness.  Associations include: alcoholism, attention deficit disorder, migraine, clinical depression, and here we have hardly scratched the surface.     


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