3 Effective Ways of Avoiding Food Poising this Summer

Jun 22


Emily Clark

Emily Clark

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Are you looking forward to a wonderful summer? Beaches, warmweather and of course - BBQ's.


Along with the relaxing atmosphere and ease of preparing a BBQdinner or picnic for friends and family come some well knownrisks. You are likely aware that e.coli and salmonella can causesymptoms that range from mild discomfort to life threateningemergencies. But why is this more common during summertime mealsand how can you protect your loved ones without ruining yoursummer?

During the summer when we are picnicking or having a BBQ we arenot preparing a meal with the usual amenities we have in thehouse - sink,3 Effective Ways of Avoiding Food Poising this Summer Articles oven, fridge. Because of this we are more likely toforget to wash hands, store food properly or even grab a cleanplate to serve food.

Here are some ways you can protect yourself from summertimedining outdoors:


From the grocery store, to the cart, to the fridge, to the table- keep meats and other food separated.

Always wrap meats even when thawing to prevent the juices fromdripping onto other foods, especially produce. Produce has beenidentified as a culprit in some food poisoning cases.


Wash hands, cutting boards, dishes and food.

Always wash your hands before and after preparing foods. Neverserve cooked meat on the same plate or tray that you had it onwhen raw - make sure the resident BBQ expert is given a cleanplate to place the finished product on. Also thoroughly cleanknives and cutting boards. Ideally you should use a separatecutting board for bread and produce and another for meatproducts.

Wash produce in cold water and scrub thick skinned foods likecantaloupe as the bacteria can come in contact with the flesh ofthe fruit when being cut.


Keep cold food cold and hot food hot.

Food can normally last for two hours at room temperature, butthat is decreased to one hour in warm weather. Cold food (potatosalad, sandwiches etc.) should stay in the fridge until ready toserve. If the food must travel, be certain to use ice orcommercial freezing gel packets. Hot food should also stayinsulated.

When eating outdoors try to keep cold food in the shade and besure warm food is wrapped and insulated.

When the food is no longer being eaten it should be returned tothe ice box or insulated carrier. Food should remain hot or coldfor as long as it is being served and then refrigerated in clean,covered containers. If you are not able to refrigerate it withina couple hours it is best to throw it out.

If you suspect a mild case of food poisoning than try to limitthe foods you eat to the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce andtoast. In more severe cases you should seek emergency treatmentwhen there are signs of pain, vomiting for several hours orbloody diarrhea. Pregnant women, elderly, those with immunedisorders and children are more at risk.

Food safety is an important part of a fun summer. Takingprecautions will help you enjoy your meals and avoid seriousconsequences.  The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.