Life's a funny old thing, but it won't do to let it get the better of you. Here are 8 steps to help keep you healthy and sane.
Everyone can get a little morose at times,

it is human nature. You can feel the melancholy creeping up you as the daily grind threatens to overwhelm and consume. It doesn't have to get the best of you though...
Be HappyIt might sound conceited, but nothing can bring you happiness that is not how it works. Happiness is an interior state; it comes from inside of you. At its most simple happiness is a choice. You decide to be happy. Realising this is vital to a healthy lifestyle.
Be OptimisticQuite similar to being happy, I'll admit, but important. There is no need to always expect the worse, so make self-fulfilling prophecies your friend. An optimistic outlook can have a significant effect on one's life, half full is better than half empty!
Earn What You NeedDon't get hung up on cash. Earn what you need to make sure you can pay the bills, eat and do what you want to. And by do what you want to I don't mean buy a football franchise. Being debt free and living within your means is a groovy way to approach your finances. Luxuries are fine, this isn't about living like a monk it's about living for today, not tomorrow.
Enjoy The Job You HaveFinding enjoyment in the job you have is important. A good friend once said to me that if you don't hate your job you're doing betting than the majority. If you can find enjoyment in the job you have right now then do so. It's considerably better option than loathing every minute of your working day. That will just grind you into a nasty ball of bitter resentment.
Stay Close With Family And FriendsHappiness cannot truly be experienced independently. Much great literature and philosophy has been attributed to this and the general consensus is that sharing is best. Hang out with the people you like, it's a sure fire way to improve your mood. We're designed to be social, don't fight it.
Smile MoreSimple, easy to do and proved by science types to improve your mood. Regardless of how you feel smile and you'll be surprised how quickly your disposition improves. If you really want to go crazy smile at people. I'm not sure what the science says, but I imagine being smiled at can't be a bad thing.
Go With Your GutIn most situations you'll know the right thing to do; it's in your gut. Just feel for it and then commit to that action. Doing what you want to for the right reasons will give you an enormous sense of wellbeing. Be your own person, stop second guessing and worrying what people will think, it's your life.
Have More MirrorsYup, there is nothing better for reminding yourself how ace you are than looking at yourself in a mirror. No preening or marvelling, just a swift, "There I am, go me!"