Acne Treatment at Any Age
If you have trouble with acne, you're not alone. Here are some acne treatment options to prevent breakouts at any age.
Many pre teens and teenagers suffer from the affects of acne. It seems like a pretty normal rite of passage for most,

but even some adults also struggle with maintaining their facial complexion. There are several different treatments to help the breakouts for men and women of all ages. Acne treatment happens at several different levels, from simply washing the face, to over the counter treatments and prescription medicines that a doctor can provide. Everyone is different. You have to find the treatment that is right for your body chemistry and your budget. The reason breakouts happen is pores are clogged with dirt or sweat and the pore gets irritated and creates a pimple. There are both whitehead and blackhead pimples. These happen most often on the face, but they can also occur on other parts of the body as well. People with very active sweat glands or particularly oily skin can have a hard time maintaining their face and body with sufficient cleaning. They need products that are stronger than your average bar of soap. For teens, it’s a question of hormones. During a high hormonal period, acne may occur more prevalently. Acne treatment in these cases is less of a maintenance issue and more of a way to get you through the hormonal surge. There are a variety of soaps that are designed to thoroughly clean your face and body to prevent against acne. This acne treatment is probably the most important step to controlling your problem. If you find that these products dry out your skin, creating the opposite problem, you can try and find cleansing products that are both thorough and non-drying. This is great for people who may not have oily skin but still have acne problems. This is important because it’s a preventative method. Despite a regimen of cleaning your face and body, pimples can still happen. This is when you can use acne treatment products that target the problem as it arises. There are a variety of creams and ointments that can dry out or clear up the infection after it has already formed. Some have a faster result than others, but they are all designed to help you get rid of the pimple once it occurs. Today’s most popular acne treatment isn’t just preventative or a solution that targets the problem. There are entire systems being designed to not only help with acne but improve the overall look of your face in many different ways. They help you even out your skin tone and protect your face from the damaging effects of the sun. This usually includes in the very least a cleanser, a toner, and a moisturizer. By using a system, you are able to fully take care of your face. When over the counter acne treatment doesn’t work, there are prescription strength medicines that can help you. These must be prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist based on the necessity for these products. It is encouraging to know that if all else fails, there are other more powerful solutions to control your acne.