An Analysis Of Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery in the entire world. Read on to learn more.
Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery in the entire world. While it once had a dip in popularity due to safety concerns,

it has bounced back more popular than ever as advances in technologies and materials have evolved. Even more exciting are the advances that allow surgeons to make smaller incisions and leave smaller telltale scars behind, allowing women to show off the work in skimpy bikinis and lingerie. After all, what good is it having this procedure done if you are going to hide it under layers of clothing?
Perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of a woman’s self esteem, breast size and shape is continually evolving through their lifetime. Starting out at a modest size during puberty, some women experience sagging and loss of skin elasticity due to pregnancy and the natural effects of aging. Many of these adverse life effects can be reversed with plastic surgery. There are also a subset of women with smaller chest sizes that want to enhance their shape and silhouette. These women experience a boost in their self-esteem with breast augmentation surgery.
However, breast augmentation is not without its risks. As with other invasive surgeries, risks and side effects include negative reaction to anesthesia, wound separation, delayed healing, excessive scarring, hematoma or seroma formation, implant rupture or movement, or even infection. If, during the recovery period, you experience an increase in redness, inflammation or warmth around the healing incision, it is important to report it to your doctor immediately. This may be a sign of infection and should be treated promptly with a round of antibiotics.
For most women, the benefits of breast augmentation far outweigh the drawbacks. Advances in techniques and technology help reduce the risks and side effects even further. Surgeons are now trained in less invasive surgical techniques that use smaller incisions. They place the implant in a secure chest wall layer to minimize movement or risk of rupture. And lastly, the implant casing is made of better material to prevent leakage. Whether using saline or silicone, breast implants are safer overall than they were even ten years ago. Having received its fair share of negative press and overall health scares, silicone implants are still used less and considered less safe than saline implants. Saline is a natural material found in the body and is easily absorbed if the implant develops a slow or fast leak. This reduces short and long term adverse health effects and risks.
Contact a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area today to learn if breast augmentation is right for you. He or she will be able to review your expectations and the potential side effects in order to determine if it adequately fits your plastic surgery needs. This plastic surgery may be right for you if you are looking to increase your chest size or improve your overall shape. New moms, older women, young women, and brave survivors of breast cancer are great candidates for this type of surgery that augments the chest wall.