The Army Body Fat Worksheet is the standard by which the US army measures the health and weight of its members or potential members.
The worksheet requires the input of certain bodily measurements and through certain calculations the candidate will be informed whether they need to lose weight or whether they need to put some on. These sheets are accessible via a link that you will find at the end of this article.
Don't be mislead by the name though,

'The Army Body Fat Worksheet', isn't solely of use to military personnel, it can be extremely helpful to anyone looking to improve their weight and lifestyle, by means of a balanced diet and a good exercise program.
After you have checked your weight and body fat count using a tool like the Army body fat worksheet or the BMI index you will know whether or not action is required and if so how drastically it needs to be taken. Irrespective of whether you body weight is good or bad, lifestyle changes can still be made that will improve your health generally, including your energy levels.
There are three major factors that will help you to achieve a healthier lifestyle; and when these factors are put into play they are extremely effective and will undoubtedly help you lose weight, feel invigorated and leave you feeling fully energized. Even if you only manage to accomplish small changes each day you will definitely feel an improvement to your well being relatively quickly, these three factors are;
1. Regular exercise:
Regular exercise is vital to a healthier lifestyle. The general misconception is that of the tracksuit or leotard wearing gym user; working out daily to grueling exercise programs.
Exercising to this degree, although not bad for you, isn't required, as the amount of exercise needed to see good improvement to your health is minimal, a half hour jogging, cycling or walking round the park is ideal, or if you struggle to get out the house you can spend half an hour walking up and down the stairs.
This works in two ways, the first is that stored calories that will turn to fat if not burnt off will be lost and secondly your muscles and cardio-vascular will get a much needed work out; and when you exercise regularly they will become stronger and therefore healthier by the day.
2. Diet:
Needless to say, we are what we eat. If we eat a lot of fatty foods we will inevitably put on weight, but diet isn't about cutting out the things we love, it's about eating a balanced diet. Our bodies need fat and sugar as much as they need protein and carbohydrates, so getting a balanced diet that leaves us full of energy and feeling sharp is the order of the day.
3. Detoxification
Every day we breathe in fumes that are harmful to our bodies and we eat food that has been over processed that contain high levels of preservatives, flavorings and colorants. It's not always possible to alter your surroundings and therefore improve the quality of the air you breathe, but you can certainly detoxify your body by drinking the recommended daily allowance of water and cutting out all processed foods.
So to conclude; check yourself against the Army Body Fat Worksheet or BMI index, both accessible through the link below, and take affirmative action, if needed, to achieve a healthy lifestyle that will improve the way you live and also prolong your life.