A bacterial vaginal infection can also be known by the names of a yeast infection, candida, candidiasis, and vaginitis amongst other things. There are probably more names for this particular infection, but it all comes down to one thing. You have a bacterial vaginal infection and it’s nigh on driving you insane.
The itching alone is something that you could do without, but when you throw in the other symptoms such as vaginal discharge, a burning sensation, rash, possible pain during sexual intercourse and an irritation of the vagina, it’s really more than anyone should have to bear.
The problem with this though, is that if you have a bacterial vaginal infection, it is something that you’re unfortunately going to have to put up with, at least until you can find a cure for it.
It should also be noted ladies, that even if you feel no pain during sexual intercourse, it might be best to abstain until you’re well on the road to recovery. Although not classified as an STD (sexually transmitted disease), it can be transmitted from one partner to the other during sexual intercourse.
This means that your partner, even though might be a male, can still get a yeast infection. In this case of course it wouldn’t be a bacterial vaginal infection, but instead it would be a male yeast infection, or a penile yeast infection.
It should also be noted that a bacterial vaginal infection can be recurrent. What this means, is that even though you might have cleared up your first encounter with this infection, there’s a chance that you could get it again.
In fact of the more than 75% of the women who will get a bacterial vaginal infection in their lifetime, many of them will have recurrent bacterial vaginal infection symptoms.
That said, there’s really no need to worry as in general a bacterial vaginal infection can be cured, or cleared up, with only minimal fuss or bother. There are as many cures for a bacterial vaginal infection as there are causes, with the scales balanced firmly in favor of the cures section.
It’s only when the infection proves to be stubborn does it take the combined efforts of will power, medication and stringent preventative measures to help a woman with bacterial vaginal infection.
Prescription medications are of course the preferred treatment for many women suffering from a bacterial vaginal infection, but there are yet more women who will turn to the route of home remedies to help cure themselves.
By far the most popular of these home treatments happens to be that of applying natural unsweetened yogurt to the affected area. This is one proven method to beat off a bacterial vaginal infection.
Since a bacterial vaginal infection normally occurs only when there’s a bodily imbalance, you should keep to a healthy lifestyle. Stay away from douches and other products that can create a warm inviting place for the Candid Albicans bacteria to thrive in your vagina.
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