Breaking Down Liposuction Procedure

May 26


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat from several areas of the human body. Please read on for more.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat from several areas of the human body. The most common areas for fat removal include the buttocks,Breaking Down Liposuction Procedure Articles knees, thighs, calves, chin, hips, upper arms, abdomen, above breasts, and neck regions. This procedure can yield beautiful and natural looking results and cause an individual to look younger, when it performed by an experienced plastic surgeon that has had many years of combining knowledge & talent in order to bring out the patient’s inner beauty.

Individuals who are good candidates for liposuction are those who are 18 years or older, have good skin tone, in good physical health and have repeatedly tried diet and exercise programs but are unable to remove the last 10-15 pounds. The extra pounds may be the result of localized fatty deposits. This fat removal surgery is not an obesity treatment but is intended to improve body shape, proportions, and contours.

The average length of this fat removal surgery procedure is typically 1 to 2 hour or more in length. The type of anesthesia that is used is general or local with sedation. The recovery time following surgery is dependent of the type of surgery performed but on average, and individual can return to work one week following the surgery. They can also resume added strenuous activity within 2 to 4 weeks following the surgery. One to six months following surgery, the patient is able to see visual signs of the surgery progress. However, when a simple procedure is performed, patients can notice improvements just days after the surgery.

If a patient experiences pain following the surgery, an over-the counter or prescription medicine can be taken as indicated in the doctor’s care instructions. It takes a few days or up to a week following surgery for bruising to fade and is primarily dependent upon the extent of the surgery.

A device called a cannula, which is a hollow tube, is used during a liposuction procedure where small incisions are made and the cannula is inserted underneath the skin in order to remove and breakup the fat. During this procedure, several areas can be suctioned out at one setting. However, there are limits to the amount of fat that can safely be removed at one setting. Following the procedure, the patient is given a compression garment to wear for several weeks to help with skin settling and to minimize fluid accumulation.

Although most plastic surgeons that perform cosmetic procedures of fat removal aim bring the patient to a more flattering figure, the basic aim of a qualified surgeon in this area should be:
• To remove the appropriate amount of fat
• To avoid disturbing neighboring tissue such as the connective tissues and blood vessels
• To cause the patient the least amount of discomfort and pain as possible
• Leave the patients fluid balance in tact
• Bring about safe and effective results

There are some significant benefits of a liposuction procedure, some noticeable to the eye and some not. One of the best benefits is in the area of improved health. When fat is removed from the body, this can improve the patient’s existing health and serve as risk prevention from health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer. This procedure also is great for boosting a person’s self-esteem because they look better, and with the removal of things such as cellulite, which provides a dimpling appearance, a person can once again wear items of clothing they could not wear before surgery.

Having a qualified, professional, and well-trained surgeon to perform a liposuction procedure is a great way for an individual to feel better, look better, and start enjoying a greater quality of life.