Breast Augmentation - Avoiding Problems
This article is about breast augmentation and the possible problems that come with it. It also explains how to avoid these problems and possible solutions to them.
Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed operations under plastic surgery. Although generally reserved for women,

men can also undergo this. The main focus of the procedure is to make the bosom appear larger than it originally was. This comes with the use of implants, which can dramatically increase the size of a person's chest. There are a few techniques that do not merit the use of the sacs but these are often seen as temporary. Implants are sacs, filled with either silicone or saline, which are very good at mimicking the natural appearance of a person's breasts.
While breast augmentation can be considered a routine procedure that is relatively simple to perform and has minimal risks, it is not to be taken lightly. Any form of surgery always carries some form of risk during and after it. Doctors can foresee some of the possible scenarios that can go awry during the procedure and they are always prepared for these possibilities. Complications that can occur after the operation can also be foreseen since there are many different cases that surgeons have encountered. These previous cases can be the bases for possible scenarios that can go wrong.
Risks and Complications
During the operation, there are several things that can go wrong such as an elevated or lowered blood pressure, adverse reactions to the drugs and medications given during the operation, and some others. Since breast augmentation comes in different techniques and methods, the less invasive ones are primarily the least risky as well. The more complicated procedures mean that they take longer to finish; and the longer the duration, the higher the risk of something going wrong. An elevated or lowered blood pressure can be treated by standard procedures to bring back the pressure to normalcy. Surgeons are prepared for this anomaly and they can usually remedy this. Adverse reactions to drugs and medications given during the operation can be countered by giving other less provocative drugs after controlling and managing the adverse reactions. As for reactions that may endanger the patient, the procedure might be postponed to a later date to make sure that everything is alright.
Other risks and complications can happen during the recovery period. The following are just a few of the possible complications that can happen after the breast augmentation surgery. Swelling and bruising are to be expected afterwards, but if these do not go down after a day or two, it is time to bring this to the attention of the surgeon. Medications are prescribed for the swelling and the prevention of infections. Instructions should be followed faithfully to avoid complications such as infections. Bruising and swelling goes down after a couple of days with the help of ice packs and other topical solutions, as well as anti-inflammatory medicines. Breast augmentation can also bring about scars, which may be difficult to get rid of. Reddish and swollen scars can be expected even several weeks after the procedure, but some patients may not be able to get rid of the scars at all. It is best to consult the surgeon for alternative ways to get rid of these.