Breast Augmentation: Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

Jan 18


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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Most American women have considered getting breast augmentation at some point in their lives. If you're considering the procedure, it makes sense to have as much information as possible before you make your final decision.

Studies have shown that most American women have at least considered getting breast augmentation at some point in their lives. Of course,Breast Augmentation: Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures Articles merely considering the surgery and actually getting it are two separate things. Having said that, there's no doubting the popularity of the procedure. More women are having it done than ever before, and the techniques doctors are using are improving with every passing year. If you're considering the procedure, it makes sense to have as much information as possible before you decide one way or the other. Your first, and most important task, will be to find a good doctor. Informing yourself, however, is necessary as well.

Promising Candidates

Though breast augmentation is only growing in popularity, not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. You should be certain that you are before moving forward. The most important consideration is your health. Being in good physical condition is a necessary prerequisite to undergoing a surgery of this kind. There is a difference, of course, in being a fine candidate and being a good candidate. Being a non-smoker and not being overweight will put you in the "good" category, and will reduce your risks of complications and other problems that can increase the dangers associated with invasive surgery.


Breast augmentation, like most plastic surgery procedures, is not an instant fix. While you will have everything you need to enjoy your new chest immediately upon leaving the surgery theater, you can't judge the success of the procedure at that time. There will be swelling, bruising, and it may take some time for the implants to "drop." The doctor will prescribe a plan for your recovery which may include pain medication, a schedule of self-massage, and other things that will help you get the results you want. Plan to take a week off from work, although you may feel up to returning after a few days. The more time you have to pamper yourself, the better.


As a prospective breast augmentation patient, you'll have a number of options to choose from. The first of these options is the doctor you want performing your procedure. This is an important choice, and it should be an informed one. You'll also need to choose which type of incision you want, the type of implant material, and the profile. These issues should be discussed with your surgeon, who will probably have his preferred method of doing the procedure. This doesn't mean, however, that you don't get a say. A good doctor should be willing to let their patient have a role in choosing what's best for them.