Breast Enhancement: The Most Popular Procedures
Breast enhancement can improve the appearance of the bosom. Here are some of the most popular ones.
Breast enhancement has been popular throughout the ages. A woman’s curvy shape starts at the top with a lovely bosom. Having these body parts in an appropriate proportion to one’s physique compliments the entire figure. Breasts that are too large,
too small, too droopy or are discolored can make a woman feel unattractive. Feeling good about one’s appearance has a profound effect on confidence and self esteem. Looking good is not just a “surface” thing, it affects the inner person, as well. Here are some of the most popular breast enhancement procedures:
- Augmentation: Creating fuller or larger bosoms has long been one of the most popular plastic surgery options of all times. Over the ages, women have tried various methods of augmenting their natural breasts. They’ve injected peanut oil, silicone; worn falsies or plopped boneless chicken breasts into their bras, stuffed their bra-cups with Kleenex and finally the modern technique of surgically inserting implants. Implants may be filled with either saline or silicone. They come in various sizes and shapes, as well as protrusions. There is even a new material on the market called “gummy bear implants.” These gummy bear devices have been approved in Europe and Canada and are getting rave reviews in America.
- Mastopexy: Mastopexy is the scientific name for a breast lift. If a woman has become extremely droopy due to age, gravity or nursing and weaning babies, she may be ready for a lift. This entails a surgeon removing redundant skin and tissue then stitching it into a tauter shape. Depending on the amount of droop, the incisions may appear to look like a lollipop, donut or an anchor. Sometimes this operation is done in conjunction with inserting implants in order to give a woman a perky and fuller appearance in the bustline.
- Reduction: Heavy, oversized melon-like breasts are uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. A woman saddled with gigantic bosoms has most likely suffered from skin rashes, back pain, inability to participate in certain sports or find proper fitting clothing, and indentations in her shoulders from the weight of her bra straps. She has also most likely been the subject of male harassment, whistles, ogling and cat calls. Reducing the size is called a reduction mammaplasty and is often paid for by medical insurance.
- Makeup: There are certain makeup foundations that are appropriate for adorning the bosoms. Breasts are no different than facial areas in their lack of perfection in complexion. Red marks, blemishes or veins can be covered up with makeup in order to create a lovely look in low-cut gowns or blouses.
- Nipple jewelry: Fingers and ears look beautiful adored with jewelry. Why not nipples? Many women wear pierced or clip on metallic or jeweled accessories to look lovely sans their upper garments. Jewelry shops and internet sites have an array of nipple jewelry to choose from.
Bosoms are beautiful and can become even more so with breast enhancement. Augmentations, lifts, reductions, makeup or jewelry can make a big difference. The type of adornment that will work depends on a woman’s figure and preferences.