California Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Programs
Drug rehabilitation programs in the state of California come in many different forms. Some drug rehab programs outsource the detoxification portion of the treatment while others provide a comprehensive treatment program within their own organizations.
Drug rehabilitation programs in the state of California come in many different forms. Some drug rehab programs outsource the detoxification portion of the treatment while others provide a comprehensive treatment program within their own organizations. California rehab clinics may also specialize in treatment for a certain demographic of society,

such as gays and lesbians or adolescents.Although the delivery method may vary amongst the many California drug rehab centers, the focus for each is to help addicts learn how to successfully achieve and maintain sobriety. Programs that take a multi-faceted approach seem to be most beneficial. It is important for the program to have both medical and psychiatric treatment components in order to address the physical addiction and the underlying emotions that feed the addiction. Nutritional counseling, family counseling and help learning how to develop and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships are also key components to quality programs. Most drug treatment programs begin with detoxification in order to allow time for the drug to process through the body. Some drugs' withdrawal symptoms are excruciating so carefully monitored medication may be administered to mitigate the severity of the symptoms.Just as treatment programs in California take on many philosophies, they may also be delivered in a variety of ways. Free-standing residential treatment centers are facilities devoted entirely to drug and alcohol rehab. Their primary function is to provide on-site inpatient treatment but they may also provide day programs, outpatient or partial hospitalization treatment programs. On average, private insurance length of stay in these types of facilities is approximately 20 days. If the drug rehab center is federally funded, a longer stay of three to six months may be provided.Some general hospitals have units devoted to drug addiction treatment. This type of treatment is most often used when the addiction has led to chronic or acute conditions, either medical or psychiatric, or both. Length of stay in this kind of treatment facility is normally shorter than in other types of treatment. Once the initial phase of detoxification has begun and the medical or psychiatric problems are controlled, the addict is generally referred to a free-standing treatment facility to complete the rehabilitation process. Some medical plans do not provide coverage for hospital based drug rehab programs.Long term residential treatment programs are available for addicts who have completed a fourteen to thirty day inpatient treatment program but still need constant vigilance in order to avoid relapse. Most patients spend an average of 90 days in this type of drug rehab program.California also offers outpatient drug addiction treatment. Outpatient treatment is not for the person who cannot maintain abstinence for up to 72 hours and those who do not have well-developed social support systems in place. Most programs of this sort are about six weeks in length and group sessions are held three to five times each week.Other types of programs in California include partial hospital or day treatment drug rehab programs, therapeutic communities and adolescent treatment programs. Partial hospital treatment programs are a more intensive type of outpatient treatment, requiring a commitment of five days a week, four hours a day, for the length of the program. This type of program was first used as a means to transition from residential care to outpatient care. Insurance companies like them because they provide an alternative to long-term inpatient treatment. Therapeutic communities employ what is commonly known as the Mental Health approach. These are the 12-Step programs that began with AA and were modified to address other types of addictions. The focus of these programs is behavior modification and community support. They come in a variety of different forms. Adolescent drug treatment programs focus on the issues specific to teens and may employ inpatient or outpatient treatment methods.Addiction treatment centers can be found in many California cities. San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Santa Barbara all have treatment centers as well. Los Angeles drug rehab programs, and especially Malibu drug treatment centers, are often noted for their celebrity guests. It is often advised, however, that for best results the addict should be removed from his or her home location in order to help break the bonds and the habits that enable the addiction.