Canada Pharmacy Drugstore Helps Doctors Overcome Sympathy over Patients’ Condition

Aug 13


Remcel Mae P. Canete

Remcel Mae P. Canete

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Some cancer doctors may build up emotional walls -- distancing themselves from the patients they can't save -- to avoid grief, sadness and even despair, though there are drugs intended for these emotional troubles. However, dependence on such drugs may bring generic Celexa side effects.


Some cancer doctors may build up emotional walls -- distancing themselves from the patients they can't save -- to avoid grief,Canada Pharmacy Drugstore Helps Doctors Overcome Sympathy over Patients’ Condition Articles sadness and even despair, though there are drugs intended for these emotional troubles.  However, dependence on such drugs may bring generic Celexa side effects

"In a profession where death and dying are part and parcel of the work," study author Leeat Granek said "grieving is mixed with feelings of self-doubt, failure and powerlessness that come from the idea that doctors are responsible for their patients' lives and for making their treatment decisions." 

"The issue with doing oncology is that you walk a very fine line," one doctor said. "If you get too involved with your patients you can't function because it's too much emotional load to bear, and if you get too distant from your patients then I don't think you're being a very good physician, because people pick up on that." 

"Sometimes the grief comes home with the oncologist," said Granek, a postdoctoral fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Although some doctors compartmentalized in order to function, others had difficulty sleeping or enjoying time with their family. That’s the time they buy Celexa online to ease the feeling of depression and anxiety. 

"Sometimes I'll take a chart and I'll look at the imaging, and everything's worse and the numbers are worse," a doctor said, "and I have to drag myself into the patient's room and figure out what can I offer them that's hopeful and positive. It's tough." 

"Losing any patient is difficult," said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. "But there is no time to grieve. You have a moment or two to reflect and then you're on to the next patient who needs your help." 

Granek said that "even just acknowledging that grief over patient loss exists and that it's part of the profession would be healthier than what is happening now. There is no acknowledgement at all, and there's denial." 

"Maybe I got that case after someone had just died and I was in a more aggressive mode," one physician said. "Or, maybe I undertreated someone because I just saw a patient with terrible toxicity." 

Caring professionals "would spend time with him, talk to him, look at him, hold his hand, ask how he was feeling," Lichtenfeld said. But others "would not engage in those behaviors -- they would look the other way, they would not look him in the eye, they would rely on 'the data, the data, the data,'" in conversations. 

"If you're troubled about the way the physician or members of that team are relating to you," Lichtenfeld recommended "bringing it up as part of the conversation." 

"Feelings of frustration, anger, loss, isolation and insecurity often emerge in a setting that is nonjudgmental and supportive," wrote oncologists Dr. Michelle Shayne and Dr. Timothy Quill. "At the end of each one-hour session, a moment of silence is observed in remembrance of patients who have recently died, and the opportunity to remember and honor a patient who has died by saying his or her first name is offered." 

"Oncologists are working very hard and doing this phenomenal job with very large numbers of patients," Granek said, "and they could use a little bit of support with this piece." Canada pharmacy drugstore takes a big role in giving support to oncologists by providing medications to save the lives of their patients.