Carpal Tunnel Symptoms To Look for Prior To Seeing a Doctor
If your wrists, fingers, or hands have been irritating you, it is possible you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Learn the typical symptoms and risk factors of this condition.
If your wrists have been hurting lately,
you might assume it is carpal tunnel syndrome since this is one of the most commonly discussed ailments involving this part of the body. However, many people who think they have this issue actually suffer from something else entirely. If you want to know for sure what your diagnosis is, you will have to see a doctor, but you can get a good idea of what your problem is by learning the common symptoms of carpal tunnel.
When you first get this condition, many of your fingers may start to feel numb. In particular, you should note that all your fingers except your pinky will likely be affected since they are all on the same nerve, which is the median nerve. If your pinky is affected, you probably have some other condition that you need to ask a doctor about. If, however, only the other fingers are affected, you will probably notice that the numb feeling gets worse at night. This is often because fluids tend to build up when you lie down. In addition, some people sleep with their wrists flexed or in an odd position without even realizing it. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the pain gets worse when you try to sleep at night.
If you do not get this condition treated early on, you may start to notice that your hands feel weak and even cramp up occasionally. You will probably find it harder to hold onto objects or use your hands in general, which can keep you from performing mundane tasks, both at work and at home. In addition to the loss of the ability to hold objects, you may notice a burning or sharp shooting pain in the area. These symptoms are why you need to get carpal tunnel diagnosed and treated quickly. You should not have to live in pain or gradually lose the use of your hands.
It should be noted that the pain rarely stays in the hands, fingers, and wrists. Instead, it tends to radiate up to the forearm. In fact, it can even go as far as the shoulder, making it hard to use the entire affected arm. This can be inconvenient when it affects one arm, but it is downright debilitating when it affects both. Clearly, few people can continue life as usual when they have carpal tunnel. If you let the condition get bad enough, you will probably have to stop working, at least when it flares up. This is why you should seek treatment soon after you suspect that you have this issue.
Some people are more likely to get this condition than others. If you complete tasks repetitively, such as typing on a computer everyday, you have a higher chance than usual. In addition, pregnancy, obesity, and thyroid issues can all increase the odds of getting this syndrome due to fluid buildup. Anything that damages the nerves, such as alcoholism or diabetes, can also lead to this issue since the median nerve is involved. If you have any of these symptoms or risk factors, see a doctor to get your problem diagnosed and treated.