Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon
When deciding on a plastic surgeon you have many considerations. You need someone that will work with you, answer your questions, and be completely certified.
Deciding on cosmetic surgery is the easy part. Even figuring out exactly what you want done can be simple. You don't have to be complicated about that. Picking the plastic surgeon you want to do the procedure is where you should spend some time making considerations. There are lots of things that go into a decision like this and you should not take it lightly.
The first consideration is if your plastic surgeon is certified. This is probably the most important thing for you to decide on. There are many cosmetic physicians out there and not all of them hold their board certification for this type of procedures. What does that mean for you? Well,

you can go to a doctor that doesn't hold his board credentials in this area, but you do run some risks. There are many things that can go wrong once you hit the operating table and if you don't have a certified physician there, he might not know what to do to fix it. This could result in poor workmanship or even death. If you decide to go with an uncertified physicia,n you might want to see if he is with a group that has at least one certified doctor, that way he'll have someone to assist him should a problem arise.
Next, consideration is he helpful. You want a plastic surgeon that will work with you. He's going to be redesigning your body and you will have some say, but if he won't answer your questions and make you feel at ease, then you're better off without him. You need a doctor that will be there for you if you have a question or concern. This is his livelihood, and he should treat you like you matter. If he won't give you explanations or answer questions, find a different physician.
Finally, you don't want a plastic surgeon that will promise you the moon because he might not be able to deliver. You don't know what the limits are, but he does. If you want something that just isn't feasible, then he should tell you that it won't work. He should explain why and offer you other options but he shouldn't promise to do what you ask for. You'll be less disappointed in the long run if he simply tells you the truth. Working together, you can come up with an alternate solution to your request.
Choosing your plastic surgeon is more important than any other decision you might make about your procedure. By finding someone that knows what they are doing and is willing to work with you to make you look better will make the transition go smoothly.