This article explains the colon detox diet process in detail with due importance to the ingredients along with linking exercise regimes with the procedure. The piece also gives out the popular detoxification recipe - vegetable super juice.
Today’s lifestyle ensures that we consume many unhealthy junk food products along with caffeinated beverages and alcohol. Chemicals and preservatives are a common thing now. These foodstuffs have the capacity to clog our system if not cleaned properly via timely bowel movements.
Detox diets vary from those in which you can just eat organic foods, to diets which only allow fruits and vegetables. There are many types of colon detox diets like:
Also, it is advised to fast (starts the flushing process) for at least a day prior to starting such colon detox diets.
Usage of Juices, Fruits and Vegetables for Natural Detoxification and CleansingFruits and vegetables have this marvelous capacity to detoxify your body along with providing fiber content which also helps to cleanse a person’s colon. These provide an energy source thereby rejuvenating the user in a better, and more importantly a simpler, natural way.
Hence, combinations of certain juices are used to make recipes towards detoxifying the body through natural means.One of the most popular recipes for detoxification is mentioned as below:
Requirements: 1 whole medium sized cucumber, 4 sticks of celery, some lettuce leaves, a couple handfuls of spinach, some parsley and alfalfa sprouts. If you are not able to adjust any of the ingredients, you can add certain green vegetables.
Method: You need to juice all the ingredients and then mix in the ratio of 50 to 50 percent with distilled water and add some lemon juice for taste.Advantages: Not only this recipe is good at nutritional value but it helps the digestive system. Vegetable super juice is considered a super breakfast module and a quick energy bite.
Other juice based detoxification and cleansing methods include:Lastly, as the intestinal colon cleanse procedure is almost on the lines of holistic healing (as it involves the intake of natural supplements and the effects of the techniques are also quite similar), this cleansing via natural methods is advised for everyone, at least once a month.
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