Common Face Lift Misconceptions
This article talks about face lift misconceptions that many people have for the procedure. It explains why there are misconceptions.
A face lift is a medical procedure in which the individual,
either a man or a woman, undergoes surgery to improve his or her appearance, focusing mainly on the visage. Decades ago, the operation took a lot of time, money and effort (on the part of the surgeon) to do. These days, there are many different procedures that vary according to the needs of the patient. There are some which take just under two hours and others which are the least invasive when it comes to facial procedures. It is important that the patient understand and know what he or she is in for during and after the undertaking.
Many people think that they can just schedule a face lift with a surgeon without the benefit of screens and tests. Many surgeons request their patients to take tests and screenings in order to assess their actual physical and psychological health. The physical health of an individual who wants to get the operation should be established as good because complications can erupt from a person who has underlying conditions. Heart conditions and diabetes are among the top factors that may hinder the procedure from being done. It is also important that the individual be well rested a few days before undergoing the face lift. This will optimize the person’s health and encourage a speedy recovery.
No Pain, No Gain
Surgeons do not want to operate on patients who are experiencing pain. This is because pain causes anxiety and tension in the body and the mind of the individual. Anesthesia and other drugs are used to curb the pain that comes with a major operation. The facial area is full of nerves and blood vessels which make it more sensitive than other parts of the body. General anesthesia is often used for major operations that are more invasive than others. The patient should not experience any form of pain during the procedure. If there is any pain, it is important that the surgeon know about it. Under general anesthesia, even discomfort is not expected while undergoing the face lift.
During the recovery period, a degree of pain is to be expected along with a high degree of discomfort. If the surgeon says otherwise then be wary of him. Drugs and medications are prescribed to ease the pain and discomfort but the patient is sure to experience some. The discomfort is expected for several weeks right after the operation. It is not just medication and drugs that can be used to ease it but also ice packs.
Fake Appearance
Many people expect plastic surgery to result to a fake appearance. This is actually not true because of the many advances that have happened to the surgery itself. Developments in the field of cosmetic surgery are plentiful and most of these are made to make the result as natural as possible. Face lift procedures are the least noticeable because they do not make marked changes to the person’s appearance but only try to minimize the sag, wrinkles and lines in the person’s face.