Consider a Mini Face Lift Instead of the Full Procedure
If you want to reduce the amount of wrinkles on your face, think about getting a mini face lift. Learn what sets this method apart from the full procedure.
Patients in their 30s who are worried about the recent development of sagging skin can usually benefit from a mini face lift. This is less invasive than the regular version of this procedure,

and as a result, it tends to have less obvious results. However, you can usually still take about ten years off your look with this treatment. Find out a bit about this option when you consider plastic surgery to improve your look.
One of the main benefits of a mini face lift is that it can get rid of crow's feet, which many people find around their eyes, making them self-conscious. The jawline may become saggy so that jowls appear as people age, and wrinkles around the mouth are also common. You can likely fix all these issues with this type of surgery, allowing you to finally look your age, or even younger. As long as your surgeon decides that you do not quite need a traditional face lift, you may be a good candidate for this kind. Of course, the results are not as extreme as a traditional type, so if you need major changes, look into that type of surgery instead.
This procedure requires a shorter recovery period than the full face lift, as the incisions are smaller and shorter in general. Your doctor will make small incisions just behind the ears, which means the scars will be barely visible to other people when the recovery period is over. You can expect to be awake during this treatment, as your surgeon will likely use local anesthetic instead of general anesthesia, though you may have a choice here if you have a preference.
An additional fact to note is that the recovery period is shorter because the muscles are not cut into with the mini surgery like they would be during a normal procedure. Instead, they are just tightened enough to make a difference without being too invasive. This way, your recovery is much shorter, as you have less bruising, swelling, and bleeding. The result is that you can heal within several days or just a couple weeks, as opposed to several weeks like the full procedure calls for. Therefore, you can take less time off work, and you can get back to life in general sooner than you might expect after an operation.
On the other hand, like the traditional method of this surgery, you will have to get a physical exam before you qualify. You need to be generally healthy in order to get through the operation and recovery without issue. Your surgeon will probably not perform the exam on his own since this is not his specialty. Instead, you will be sent to your regular doctor to get some tests done, ensuring that you are healthy enough to qualify. Your plastic surgeon will also have to determine whether this procedure is best for you, or if you would benefit from the traditional, full treatment. If you are older or need more extreme changes made, you may be persuaded to get the full treatment performed instead.