The key to fitness is consistency. If you don't give up and keep going week after week, and month after month, you will get fitter.
The key to fitness is consistency. This simple statement means that the more you do of something the more improvements you will make. Another great about doing something on a regular basis is that it eventually becomes a habit.
If your goal to become fitter, don't think that exercising on a few odd days a week is going to get you to your goal. What you need is a written down plan, everthing that has succeeded has done so by a plan being followed, fitness is no exception.
Your first step is to decide how much you value your health and fitness. If you don't hold any value to it,then please go back to what you were doing before you started reading this.
If you are concerned about your health and fitness, then thats a good start, because you have a desire. It is this desire that will motivate you to continue. Without motivation you are wasting your time and efforts.
Once you have made your decision, the key to fitness will be what do you want to get fit for. What are you after?
Is it weight loss
Is it more energy
Is it to increase strength
Is it to increase flexibilty
Is to look more toned
It can be any or all of the above, but whatever it is, you will need to decide because this is what will become your goal. If you don't have a goal, how can you reach it?
The next stage is to decide what sorts of exercises you want to do. Do not just pick things that everyone else is doing. Try to think of exercises or activities that you are going to enjoy, and will fit in around your life.
If you hate running then don't do it. there are plenty of other substitutes for running. There is no point doing something that you hate, because you won't do it for very long.
Educate yourself about exercise, take some time looking on the internet about fitness methods. You will find an endless amount of information on health and fitness online. It's worth putting this time in in trying to find out what is going to suit you.
The next thing is to work out how much time you can dedicate to your fitness goals, and you should be thinking of around six hours a week. This may sound a lot, but when you consider how many hours there are in a week, it is a relatively small amount of time.
You have to decide which days of the week you will be training. Stick to these days so they become regular part of your life. Pretty soon training on these days will become a habit.
The last step is not to miss any training days, the key to fitness is consistency. Keep doing what you do, keep improving on what you do, and you cannot fail but to reach your goals. You only fail when you quit! So don't quit and keep going no matter what and you will get to where you want to be.
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