There are lots of people are suffering for diabetes, and for that they are taking lots of medicines. As per our knowledge it would be best if you can control diabetes by natural like exercise, healthy food etc. Here you will get information that how you can control diabetes naturally
Right now is the time to take action if you have been diagnosed with diabetes,

have been told that you are now pre-person with diabetes, or if you simply worry that this is coming in your future. If you do not properly care for diabetes it progresses with very serious consequences, ranging from lost limbs to a complete loss of life.
While most person with diabetess are required to take medication to control their blood sugar and reduce the risk of other health conditions, you can often reverse type II diabetes if you lose weight and learn to eat healthfully. Following some basic diet and exercise strategies can also prevent a pre-person with diabetes or someone at risk from developing type II diabetes.
Sugar Control
Instead of waiting for diabetes to strike fully or relying upon medication entirely, you have to start controlling your own blood sugar. This means cutting out refined white sugar as much as possible. Eating a lot of cookies, cakes, sugary drinks, and other sugary foods is what leads up to diabetes, but great things can be accomplished by cutting them out.
White refined carbohydrates act very much like sugar inside your body and should be replaced with whole grain or whole wheat options. At the very least, eat smaller portions of refined white carbs and combine them with lean sources of protein.
If you have a sweet tooth, go for naturally sweet fruit instead of sugary treats and combine it with protein, such as fruit cocktail and cottage cheese. Apples are also excellent options which do not need to be eaten in any special combination.
Keep a Routine
Make sure you are eating on a consistent basis throughout the day so your blood sugar doesn't crash. This will not only help control your blood sugar, but it will help you lose weight since it keeps your metabolism high and ensures you from feeling full between meals. The high fiber content in whole grains will also keep you full!
Hold the Fat
In order to control blood sugar and other health factors, you need to control the amounts and types of fat you put into your body. Don't try to eliminate fat altogether, but try to stay away from partially hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, and trans fat.
Since many processed pre-packaged foods contain those ingredients today, you will have to find more natural options to completely control or prevent diabetes. Nuts and natural peanut or almond butter are great alternatives!
Get Moving
Exercise is extremely important if you are worried about diabetes. Diet and exercise go hand in hand to control your weight, but exercise will change everything about your body. Just get up and get moving in some small way right now, even if it is just a short walk down the block. You will be going greater distances and controlling your health before you know it!
Toughen Up
Besides getting out for walks or using fitness equipment in your living room to burn excess calories and boost metabolism, you have to do some type of strength training on a regular basis. The more muscle you have in your body the more fat you will burn, the less you will weigh, and the healthier you will be inside and out!
If all of this seems overwhelming at first glance, take it one change at a time. Tackle what you can today and add to it in a week or two.