Dentist Advice: Helping Your Child Through the Loss of Baby Teeth
If baby teeth are a concern for a child, the dentist can help deal with the anxiety. The early a child learns about the care of his or her teeth and the importance of seeing a dental practitioner, the better.
With the help of a dentist,

it is possible to help a child learn about the importance of taking care of his or her teeth. When baby teeth begin to loosen, some children begin to worry. They aren't sure what to expect, as is often the case, they fear the unknown. Parents may not know how to handle this anxiety but with the help of a dental practitioner, they can use this situation as a way to teach their children about proper care and maintenance.
First Appointment
From the very first appointment, a dentist begins to educate a child on how to care for his teeth. There is no set answer for how old a child needs to be for the first meeting but most parents schedule some time between the time that the child's first teeth are established and their first year of school. Even if he hasn't lost any teeth yet, it is still a good idea for the dental practitioner to talk about how and why this happens.
The First Signs of a Wiggle
Kids tend to notice when that first tooth begins to wiggle. They tend to keep their hands in their mouths and can't stop playing around with that tooth. They push it to the point when they feel resistance or experience pain. How should a parent respond to this moment in her child's life? Should they encourage the wiggling around or tell the child to leave it alone? Many parents start their search for answers with a dental practitioner.
Anxiety Ridden Child
If a child feels anxious about tooth loss, a dentist will recommend that a parent remain calm and avoid anything that can add to the tension. Let the child express his feelings about the tooth loss. It may not seem rational or practical but this is the way that he sees the experience. Be patient and understanding. Sometimes it is possible to talk things out with the child and explain that this is actually just a part of growing up. On the other hand, if reasoning is not working, give it a rest and go back to being a good listener. If things continue to get worse, consider making an appointment with the dentist for advice and suggestions.
Excited Child
Sometimes a child cannot wait to lose a baby tooth. Every day he checks them to see if even one is making the slightest movement. When other children begin to lose their teeth, it can be difficult to be the one left out. In this situation, it is important to be encouraging and positive. The truth is that children lose teeth at different times. Sometimes if a tooth has overstayed its time, it needs to be removed by a dentist. This is usually a worst-case scenario. Most come out on their own when the time is right.