Dentist: Signs of a Technology Savvy Practitioner
If you are looking for a new dentist, consider one who uses lots of modern technology. You can benefit when you make an appointment, as well as during the visit, by deeming this detail important.
It is often refreshing to see a business professional who is as up-to-date with technology as you are. Most people are online for at least part of the day,
and are constantly trying to use the latest products that can make their life easier, which usually means they use lots of electronics. For this reason, it is nice to see a dentist who takes advantage of the items available to us today in order to help patients. This article presents some "food for thought" about a few tools that some dentists can use to further their practice.
Most dentists these days have a website, but an older one, or one that rarely gets updated, is not very impressive. If the site was just put up to give out contact information, and lets you learn a little extra about the practice, you will probably not find it very useful. For this reason, it is nice to see practitioners who use the latest technology on their site. Some of the most impressive dentists not only have lots of informative content and photos, but also some helpful tools. For example, videos that introduce you to the staff, show how a procedure is done, or explain complex concepts can all help you learn a little extra before you go to the dentist. Some also have interactive maps that allow you to put in your address to get directions without going to a separate site, or calendars that show you real-time availability so you know when you can schedule your next appointment.
Once you get to the appointment and your dentist explains what needs to be done, it is nice when he can show you rather than just tell you. For example, some dentists use a smartphone or tablet to show you images and videos as they also explain what they will do to your teeth. A visual representation is helpful and can keep you interested, helping you get the motivation to take good care of your teeth.
Finally, when the time comes to start getting fillings, extractions, or other procedures, it is nice to be distracted so that time flies by. Most dentists offer headphones and music so you do not hear any drilling, but some also let you watch television. The most updated practitioners will have a TV that can be adjusted so you can watch at any angle, meaning that it is mounted on the ceiling instead of just on the wall. You can typically watch cable TV or movies this way, keeping your mind off the procedure.
Clearly, there are some benefits to your dentist being technologically savvy. Not only will you learn more about what is going on in your mouth, but you will also be able to make an appointment easier when you use the tools on their website. You will also then be entertained during the visit, rather than scared or bored, so finding someone who uses technology is often worth it.