Dentists: Top Reasons to Stop Using Print Publications to Find a New Dentist
If you are tempted to open the phone book to browse dentists in your area, you should try using the Internet, instead. It usually has more detailed, updated information than print publications often do.
In the past,
looking for dentists usually involved opening the phone book to the proper section, and then trying to determine the best practitioner by staring at a list of contact information. For those without the patience to start calling each dentist to find out more, the advertisements usually won out due to their ability to catch the eye. Fortunately, things have changed, and few people rely solely on print publications to find a new practitioner. If you are still not sold on using the Internet for this task instead, consider some of the best reasons to change your tactics.
The information contained in the phone book is limited. Most dentists simply put their contact information, such as a telephone number and address. Occasionally, they feature ads, though many have given up on this paid feature since so few people depend on the phone book to find practitioners anymore. If you are not ready to spend several minutes or even a few hours going down the list of numbers, calling each office to get more details, it is time to turn to the Internet.
Even the dentists who put ads in the phone book do not provide as much information as the typical website does. You may find a short listing of services, the dental insurance accepted, and a small graphic to catch your eye. You will then likely be told to call a number to get more details, though you may even be directed to a website. This is because websites often have several pages, with each one explaining the education and experience of the dentist, as well as in-depth facts about the services offered. You will probably also be able to see pictures of the office, testimonials from past and current patients, and helpful facts about the types of procedures you need done.
Additionally, websites are usually easier to update with new information, so they are typically more current. If the office changes its number or address, the website is likely to be updated much sooner than the phone book since it only gets sent out periodically. Thus, you run the risk of not being able to contact the dentists you are interested in when using only print publications.
Clearly, there are various reasons that the Internet is more helpful than print when it comes to finding a new dentist. Therefore, as long as you have the ability to connect online, you should take advantage of its usefulness. It may allow you to find a new dentist sooner and easier than you thought possible.