Shocking! If you receive from your doctor the diagnosis CANCER it’s for everybody a shocking. You can see how you can help your self with the information’s, how to control your emotions and step by step how you can manage your life. If you take the time and following the steps, you will see that you can control your emotions and your further life
Deal with depression. Accept that there will be times when you feel lonely, depressed and sad. If you never feel this way, you are probably not facing up to the situation. Don't feel guilty when you feel depressed - it is a normal reaction in the situation. Learn to recognize the signs of depression - early awakening, excessive sleeping, a change in eating habits, and a lack of interest in things that formerly interested you, a feeling of continuous fatigue - and take action when they continue for longer than two weeks.
Decisions, decisions. It is possible those practical things may change for a while and that the person with cancer may need extra assistance and care. Discuss the options and deal with practical issues such as transport to and from medical appointments, possible home nursing if necessary, what to tell friends and family, medical costs, leave from work, the division of the household tasks for the time the family member with cancer may not be able to perform his/her share of the housework. There is no point at all in avoiding these topics as they are much easier to discuss beforehand than when they arise. Family mattersFamilies will react in very different ways. In crises families tend to behave the way they always do, just more pronouncedly so. If a family is into avoidance, this is how this situation will be dealt with. Or if they are generally supportive, that will be the main trait of how they deal with a cancer diagnosis in one of the members of the family. Family counseling might ease the situation for everyone. Decisions, decisions. It is possible those practical things may change for a while and that the person with cancer may need extra assistance and care. Discuss the options and deal with practical issues such as transport to and from medical appointments, possible home nursing if necessary, what to tell friends and family, medical costs, leave from work, the division of the household tasks for the time the family member with cancer may not be able to perform his/her share of the housework. There is no point at all in avoiding these topics as they are much easier to discuss beforehand than when they arise.
With our next information - we will inform you about the “Tips for daily living with cancer” - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.
Health-Service-OnlineFritz Frei Admin Health-Service-Online
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