Do Your Dentures Need To Be Repaired?

Jul 7


Nancy Whitman

Nancy Whitman

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Dentures, like natural teeth, need to be cared for properly to lengthen their life and avoid discomfort. Gold Coast Dentures are an excellent tooth-replacement option that allows you to maintain a genuine, long-lasting smile. They give you the courage to grin confidently in front of the camera, converse freely, and eat regularly. Careful maintenance is essential to keep your dentures looking fantastic.


Dentures,Do Your Dentures Need To Be Repaired? Articles like natural teeth, need to be cared for properly to lengthen their life and avoid discomfort. Gold Coast Dentures are an excellent tooth-replacement option that allows you to maintain a genuine, long-lasting smile. They give you the courage to grin confidently in front of the camera, converse freely, and eat regularly. Careful maintenance is essential to keep your dentures looking fantastic. If you're in pain or need a tooth treatment, contact a specialist immediately; waiting could shorten your lifetime, and can also result in more suffering and health problems.


What can I do to keep my dentures from falling apart? 

Accidental drops, too much force on the material from biting, excessive stress on the material, wear reduction and acrylic wear, and many other circumstances can cause denture fractures. If you want to keep your dentures in good shape, make sure you follow the care recommendations.


Is it necessary for me to have my dentures fixed regularly? 

Every five to ten years, a denture replacement is usually recommended. If you continue to experience difficulty following the 30-day adjustment period, consult your doctor.


How to care for your dentures 

Even though dentures are built of durable materials meant to last a long time, daily wear and use can weaken them and make them more prone to breaking. Our jaw bone changes as we age, causing the dentures to fit incorrectly. After getting repair instructions from a dentist, dentures are repaired in laboratories by a skilled denturist using correct materials. Always use a professional for your denture repair if you want an authentic result and avoid dental problems like unpleasant denture fitting. Arranging, relining, and adjustments are the primary methods of denture repair.


When can you repair your dentures?

  • Dentures that have broken:

You may break a tooth or crack your dentures if you drop them or apply so much pressure on them by forcefully chewing. Don’t use at-home adhesive to glue a broken tooth to a denture because this can lead to mouth infection and severe damage to the denture, requiring far more expensive repairs in the future. 


  • Bad breath:

Dentures must be cleaned and cared for regularly to ensure that they last as long as possible and are not damaged. If you have foul breath and clean your denture regularly, the stench could be caused by a crack or stain. Examine your dentures to check if any stains or minor cracks are visible; if there are any, make an appointment with your denturist as soon as possible to get them repaired. 


  • A different facial shape:

Dentures are designed to restore your smile to the way it was when you had natural teeth. If sudden or significant facial changes are detected, such as wrinkles, a dropping jawline, or an older facial appearance, it may be time to replace or alter your dentures.


  • Chewing Difficulties:

It will take some time to modify your chewing methods when you first obtain dentures; if your dentures begin to irritate your mouth after they were previously pleasant, it's possible that they need to be adjusted because they don't fit your mouth correctly. Having a consistent routine with your dentist is necessary!



In conclusion, this article has helped us understand that dentures should be repaired; and also it has made us known when we should improve our denture care. 

A healthy life is everyone’s priority; repair your dentures when required to prolong your lifespan!