Does Your Loved One Need a Hearing Aid?
A hearing aid may be something to consider improving the life of a loved one. Look to see what options you have.
A hearing aid may be something you need. It may be something your loved one needs. Individuals who are losing their ability to hear often have no idea it is occurring. That's because this sense often gradually is lost. Though disease and accidents can lead to instant hearing loss,
it is more common for the ability to hear to disappear over a period of time. When this happens, you may not notice just how hard it has become to hold conversations. Are you unsure if your loved one really needs a device to improve their ability? If so, you may want to consider some of the symptoms they may be exhibiting.
Can They Hear You?
The big question you need to ask is whether or not your loved one can hear you. Asking that can be ineffective, though. If you are looking at another person and speaking, the mind can easily fill in the gaps of such a loss using lip reading. In addition, some people may wish to hide their inability to hear properly. In other cases, you have their full attention and, therefore, the mind can listen more intently. In these situations, it may not be as obvious that there is a problem.
However, it is still important to look for any signs of a problem. You can often spot these in people while you are conversing with them as you normally do. If you do spot any of these problems, it may be time to consider the advantages of using a hearing aid.
• Does the person ask you to repeat themselves often? This could be an indication of the inability to concentrate or it could be a loss of the ability to hear.
• Does the individual have to turn towards you to see you speak? This could mean one ear is having a problem and the other is not.
• Does the individual struggle to have conversations over the phone? Some people can tell the difference in their ability to hear more so on the phone rather than in person.
If these signs are present, discuss them with your loved one carefully. Most people will be worried or overwhelmed by such a confrontation, though. That's why it is so important to discuss the situation with the aid of an ear specialist or your family doctor. When you do, you may also learn about additional options available to you to help in this situation. A hearing aid may not seem like a big deal to you, but to your loved one it could be very worrisome. Before you talk to them, be sure you know that the conversation may not go well.