Face Lift: Know The Most Common Risks
If you plan to get a face lift, you should make sure that you are aware of the possible risks. This can help ensure that there are no surprises afterward, and that the benefits are worth the risks to you.
Though many people who want to look younger opt for a face lift,
there are some risks that come along with the benefits. Having a reputable surgeon perform the operation can reduce the risks, but they are still there no matter how experienced your doctor is. For this reason, it is important that you know the possible problems that may go along with this surgery.
Some of the common risks of a face lift are the same ones that may occur during any surgery. For example, you could get an infection afterward, which is usually characterized as redness around the incision and a fever. You may also get necrosis, which occurs when the wound does not heal properly and the tissue starts to die. Excess bleeding, including a hematoma under the skin, could also show up during or after a face lift. Of course, the use of anesthesia can also be considered risky, just like in any other surgery.
There are also dangers that are unique to a face lift, as they mostly only affect the facial area. For instance, it is possible to end up with nerve damage or even an asymmetrical face after this operation. The skin may also become discolored, overly sensitive, or swollen. In some cases, there is a loss of hair in affected areas, such as near the hairline, and it may never grow back the same. Scarring is quite typical for this operation, though most doctors try to hide the incision as much as possible so that the chance of a visible scar is low.
Some risks affect more than just the facial area. This is especially true if you have health issues going into the operation. You may suffer from cardiac or lung complications, as well as deep vein thrombosis. Most doctors try to screen out patients that are prone to such issues, but it is not always possible to tell if you are likely to suffer from these threats after the operation.
Clearly, there are some problems that may come about as a result of this type of procedure. Most people come out of this surgery with few, if any, complications, but they are always possible. You can protect yourself by being aware of the most common threats, and making sure that you are not particularly prone to them going into the procedure. Additionally, choosing an experienced doctor can lessen your chances of suffering from health threats.