Here you'll discover not only the foods to avoid for tinnitus, but what actually causes tinnitus to occur and why this knowledge is so important in dealing with your tinnitus.
If you're searching for information on which foods to avoid for tinnitus then you'll want to read this short article. Here you'll discover not only the foods to avoid,

but what actually causes tinnitus to occur and why this knowledge is so important in dealing with your tinnitus.
Foreword to Foods to Avoid for Tinnitus
Before we begin discussing the foods to avoid for tinnitus, there is a fundamental issue that you need to understand if you are finally to get relief from your tinnitus...
Tinnitus -- sometimes referred to as ringing ears -- isn't a condition in itself, but rather a symptom of some other underlying condition or conditions. This is an important point to take on board because only by understanding that it is a symptom and not the actual problem itself will you begin to appreciate what you need to do to get relief.
So the starting point for treating tinnitus has to be to identify the root cause of the ringing in the ears. That is to say that rather than treating the symptoms -- the tinnitus sounds -- you treat the underlying issue that is causing those sounds.
Tinnitus Causes
The 3 main general headings for the causes of tinnitus are, damaged hearing, sinus problems, and stress and anxiety. Now of course these can be broken down further into, for example, age-related hearing loss, noise-damaged hearing loss, head / neck trauma, sinus allergies, sinus infections, inner ear infections, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, lowered immune system, and many more.
Let's now take a look at some foods to avoid for tinnitus...
Foods to Avoid for Tinnitus List
The first thing that needs to be said here is that the link between certain foods and tinnitus isn't in fact a direct link because, as we've seen, tinnitus is just a symptom of an underlying problem. So the link is actually between certain foods and the underlying issues. In other words certain foods or ingredients can cause problems or issues in some people which may lead to tinnitus. An obvious one is allergies for example.
1. The first food to avoid in the list is salt. This is an obvious one since too much salt can lead to high blood pressure which we know is an underlying cause of ringing in the ears.
2. The next food to avoid for tinnitus is refined sugar. The variation in blood sugar levels and the release of adrenaline can trigger tinnitus.
3. Saturated and trans-fats are next on the list. These can cause deposits inside blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. The blood flow then becomes turbulent and this can be heard as tinnitus.
4. MSG, or monosodium glutamate, can be found in many of our foods as a flavor enhancer. Unfortunately glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that can cause tinnitus.
5. Other foods to avoid for tinnitus are, chocolate, cheese, red wine, honey, ripe bananas, soy, and avocados.
Anyone with tinnitus may want to try avoiding or at the very least reducing their intake of these types of foods. But, on it's own, this approach may not be enough to get rid of your tinnitus...
Why Avoiding Foods for Tinnitus May Not Be Enough
Although it may seem easy enough to 'discover the root cause and treat it,' in fact it isn't easy at all. In one study, the underlying cause couldn't be determined in some 43% of sufferers. So where does this leave nearly half of all sufferers?
When the root cause cannot be identified this doesn't mean that the game is over for you, that you can't get tinnitus relief. It just means that you have to take a different path, a more 'holistic' way to tackle the problem. This just means that you treat the 'whole body' using a multi-pronged approach to cover all the bases...