Gestational pemphigoid presents late in pregnancy with an abrupt onset. In the United States, PG has an estimated prevalence of 1 case in 50,000-60,000 pregnancies.
Gestational pemphigoid also known as, pemphigoid gestationis or herpes gestationis. Gestational pemphigoid is a gentle skin condition that only arises during pregnancy or immediately postpartum. It is known to be related with molar pregnancies and choriocarcinomas. Gestational pemphigoid is caused by anti-basement membrance antibodies that circulate in the blood initiated by pregnancy.
These anti-basement membrane antibodies reason complement C3 deposition along the dermal-epidermal junction of the skin, resulting in the characteristic skin changes. PG has also been described to arise in association with trophoblastic tumors, such as hydatiform mole or choriocarcinoma. PG typically begins as a blistering rash in the naval area and then spreads over the entire body. It is sometimes accompanied by raised, hot, painful welts called plaques. Most patients present with an intensely itchy hive-like rash during mid to late pregnancy (13 to 40 weeks gestation).
The rash stretches to other parts of the body involving the trunk, back, buttock, and arms. The face, scalp, palms, soles and mucous membranes are usually not affected. The primary aim of treatment is to alleviate itching, stop blister formation and treat secondary infections. To reduce the risk for the mother and fetus, use the lowest effective dose of medication to suppress disease activity. Topical corticosteroids are utilized in mild disease whilst oral corticosteroids are essential in more extensive cases. Minimum helpful doses should be used to reduce the risk of side effects to both mother and fetus.
Oral antihistamines may be employing to alleviate itching. Suppressing the immune system with corticosteroids assists by decreasing the number of antibodies that are attacking the skin. There is no healing for PG. Women who have PG are considered in remission if they are no longer blistering. PG usually arises in subsequent pregnancies; however, PG often seems more manageable because it is anticipated. Pregnant women with PG should be monitored for conditions that may affect the fetus, including, but not limited to, low or decreasing volume of amniotic fluid and preterm labor.
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