Glaucoma: Warning Signs To Be Aware Of
The unfortunate truth about glaucoma is that it can only be prevented—there has yet to be found any cure or surgery that can reverse the effects. For that reason, it is vital to keep up with regular eye exams, especially as one gets up there in years. Read on for more information.
The unfortunate truth about glaucoma is that it can only be prevented—there has yet to be found any cure or surgery that can reverse the effects. While we can hope that such a cure comes around soon,

we must live in the times we have. That means being particularly cognizant of any warning signs or symptoms that may arise so we can get treatment for them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many symptoms and warning signs don’t show up until the disease is already in the later stages. For that reason, it is vital to keep up with regular eye exams, especially as one gets up there in years.
Cloudy vision is a symptom that should always be checked out by a doctor. Not only could it be a sign of impending glaucoma, but it could also be a sign of developing cataracts and a number of other eye related issues. Having an examination is the only way to determine what it is and rule out the things that it isn’t. Also be aware of any halos that might appear when you look at light. Streaking and increased light sensitivity are also potential warning signs that accompany the onset of the disease.
If you’ve been experiencing nausea or headaches, it could be attributed to the onset of glaucoma. Now, as you might expect, these symptoms can be found in a number of conditions and diseases, but you should still get it checked out. Again, if you are diligent about getting regular eye examinations, you shouldn’t have to do much guesswork when it comes to experiencing strange symptoms. Make sure and mention these types of symptoms to your eye doctor, as they could be related to your eyes and other conditions that can negatively affect your vision and health.
Excessive tearing and blinking are also common signs that can accompany the onset of glaucoma. If you’ve always had dry eyes and suddenly find yourself tearing up all the time, you definitely need to make an appointment to see the eye doctor as soon as possible. This, of course, is especially true if you can’t find any atmospheric reasons for this change to be taking place.
Glaucoma is a serious disease and it should be treated with seriousness. Do not attempt to use online information to do a self-diagnosis. While knowledge is always a good thing to have, it is no substitute for regular exams by a qualified eye doctor. Don’t let fear or inconvenience keep you from getting your eyes looked at once a year.