Hair Loss Problems in Men

Feb 3


Rudhra Venugopal

Rudhra Venugopal

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Hair Loss In Men. Hair loss is a common concern witnessed by most men at some point in their lives. The reason for male pattern baldness is said to be through a combination of hormonal factors and genetics.


Hair loss mostly happens in males,Hair Loss Problems  in Men Articles but quite a lot of females may also face it. There could be lots of different reasons why people lose their hair. So it’s very important to find out why it is happening to you by consulting the best dermatologist. Most men will lose their hair because it’s in their genetic setup. In quite a lot of cases, this can take many years to happen, but in some extreme cases, lots of people can experience sudden hair loss, where the hair rapidly begins to fall out. When this happens it’s important that you seek medical advice because it could be that you have a disease such as Alopecia, so quick treatment is the key to obtaining the best results.

How does Hair grow naturally?

Let’s take a closer look at the scalp, on the average head there are around 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp. With these hairs growing from roots called follicles, the blood vessels at the base of each follicle provide the hair with nourishment which allows the hair to live and grow. Each strand of hair can grow at different rates to the next, usually, 90% of the hairs are in the growth phase with the other 10% being in the resting phase meaning they are not growing. When the hairs are growing this usually lasts up to five years, after which this hair then goes into the resting phase which is usually around 4 months, after which time they fall out. This is all perfectly normal because the hairs that fall out are usually replaced with new hairs. But for people who are prone to hair loss, what usually happens is the hair is not replaced, or they are replaced with thinner and weaker hairs, which give the appearance of thinning hair and baldness.

Common Reason for Baldness in Men:

The most common reason in men for baldness and thinning hair is male pattern baldness, which can begin early stage just after puberty. In some cases, this can be treated and also be able to reverse, but in most cases this is permanent. What happens is hair will usually begin to fall out and thin out around the temples and at the crown of your scalp. Which will result in a bald spot and a receding hairline. In most cases, baldness can occur in both places at the same time, which will result in more obvious hair loss.

The reason for male pattern baldness is said to be through a combination of hormonal factors and genetics. Hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are said to be the main causes of baldness among men. Baldness in most cases is hereditary, so if your father is bald it’s highly likely that you will be too. Some people think that baldness is caused by wearing hats, this is nonsense. Another big contributor to hair loss is stress, normal stress will not usually contribute to hair loss. But if you are experiencing extreme stress then this can really play havoc with your hormones, which can lead to hair loss.

Preventions to reduce Hair Loss:

Let’s take a quick look at some of the treatments that are out there for hair loss. There are some herbal shampoos and remedies that are said to slow down and actually promote hair to grow back. There are some medicines such as Minoxidil and Propecia that are said to help with hair loss problems. There are even home remedies that people use to help slow down hair loss, with some people swearing that these homemade treatments will allow you to grow back the hair that you have lost. With so many different treatments available, it’s very important that you do a little research and tries to best understand the reasons behind why you are losing your hair with skin specialist hospital, Coimbatore