Hand Surgeon: How This Doctor Can Help Athletes
Being an athlete means that you are likely prepared to get injured occasionally, but you may not expect injuries to your hands and wrists. Be prepared for such issues by knowing how a hand surgeon can help you.
If you are into sports,

you are probably no stranger to certain injuries, often requiring serious treatment and even surgery. However, you may not be aware that there is a separate doctor for injuries to the hands. Find out what a hand surgeon may be able to do for you.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by repetitive motions. Of course, many people assume that only those who spend lots of time on the computer suffer from this issue, but in reality, plenty of sports require that you make the same motion over and over. For example, swinging a golf club the same way repetitively can result in carpal tunnel. A hand surgeon can fix the issue by recommending exercises and painkillers, or even creating a splint or performing surgery to take the pressure off the median nerve.
One problem that is more often associated with sports is tendonitis, which is often also called tennis elbow. This causes inflammation and pain in the tendons. A doctor well versed in treatment for this issue can recommend anti-inflammatory medication, exercises, massage movements, or support braces. If the problem is not resolved by any of these methods of management, you may need surgery, in which case a good hand surgeon who specializes in treating hands and wrists should be contacted.
A doctor of this kind can typically help with more serious issues, as well, including fractures. These usually require splints or casts, and painkillers during recovery. You will likely have to be careful to keep the area from being injured again, which may require that you take time away from your sport, but fast treatment will get rid of the pain for good. Of course, surgeons who treat hands can also concentrate on the fingers, treating painful issues that may occur. For example, jammed fingers and torn ligaments can find relief from the typical experienced hand surgeon.
If you are in a sport, especially one that requires the use of your hands and wrists, you may want to get to know a good hand surgeon. This way, you will know who to call when you become injured. Fast treatment can result in your healing quickly and getting back into the game as soon as possible. It can also translate to fewer complications, as waiting to get treatment may make the injury worse. Look for a qualified doctor today so that you are prepared in the case of injuries to these important parts of the body.