Health Risk Assessments Pass On Major Benefits
While some health related risks are pretty easy to understand, every now and then a new practice is implemented by companies that causes confusion for its employees and the benefits of these new practices; namely, employee health risk assessments.
While some health related risks are pretty easy to understand,
every now and then a new practice is implemented by companies that causes confusion for its employees and the benefits of these new practices; namely, employee health risk assessments. It is easy to see why employees would view these changes as a possible open season for random testing, or getting other personal health information without consent. This is just another example of employer actions that lead to mistrust and confusion and why many avoid the HRA's.
However, the major benefits to the employer, health insurance companies and the insured employees need to be explained so everyone will dismiss any unreasonable fears concerning intent from everyone involved. The HRA's simply allow health care professionals, through tests and written evaluations to spot potential life threatening personal habits and trends that will adversely affect an individuals health, short term as well as long term. Making suggestions for diet and exercise programs to improve the persons health is just part of the process that also uses early screening tools to best access diseases such as heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure issues and diabetes.
With a early diagnosis, which is the result of screening for certain diseases as well as changing attitudes and poor health choices, the necessary corrective steps can be taken to stop disease in its tracks before any serious damage is done. The long term benefits and savings are priceless as well as adding for some several years to their life span. Taking preventive steps early, will help avoid costly medical procedures such as surgery and long term care that can be devastating if they are left unchecked.
The benefits are immediately seen in the short term and show significant benefits in the long term. Getting the whole picture of your health early can save money as well as your life. If you are having a annual health risk assessment, you already enjoy the benefits of less health care cost along with your company and health insurance provider. This is in addition to the above average possibility of avoiding costly medical procedures and long term treatments in future years.
The HRA is really a employees friend in disguise. These assessments can warn you of impending health dangers that can be deadly if not caught and treated earlier enough. This will save you money and debilitating major health issues as you age. It will also help your employer and health insurance company reduce the cost of your company medical benefits.