Hearing Aid Use With Cell Phones
In the past it has been difficult to use a hearing aid with a cell phone. More recently changes have been made to force cell phone makers to make phones accessible to those who use aids.
Having a hearing aid has likely helped you to hear better on most occasions. Perhaps however you have found it difficult to talk on your cell phone since you acquired your device. There are several things to consider as you purchase a cell phone because some phones are made specifically to work better with aids. There are new rules in place that will help you to use your cell phone as well as your device.
Some of the new rules that apply to cell phone providers and makers include that there should be less static when a cell phone is used with aids,

improved telecoil connections, and less interference. Not all aids are hearing aid compatible (HAC). If they are you should be able to find a label at the cell phone store, on the packaging, or in the manual. If you cannot find this information then you should not trust it to be compatible for you.
There are other considerations you should make when purchasing a cell phone when you have aids. You might want to have a text-to-speech function. A flashing screen is another good option for those who struggle with their ability to hear. Other good options would include speaker phone and text messaging. Speaker phone is helpful because it might help there not to be as much interference between the device and phone.
It is important as you purchase a cell phone when you have a hearing aid that you will be able to try out the cell phone before you purchase it. It is important to be able to do this just in case a cell phone and device together have too much interference.
Perhaps you are an older individual who has a hearing aid but has never had a cell phone. You might think that cell phones are not a necessity, and since it might be more difficult to use with your aids, why bother. Cell phones really could be a great benefit to you. If you have a fall or some other type of accident, a cell phone could save your live. Even using it mainly for text messaging could be a great benefit in emergencies. Perhaps you find it to be an intrusion of your privacy. There is no rule that you have to answer every call just as you do not at home, so you might consider getting one simply for emergencies.
You will be surprised at the convenience of having a cell phone, and even with a hearing aid you will likely learn how to use it without having a problem as long as it is HAC. Your children and grandchildren may appreciate your getting a cell phone so much that they may even offer to pay for it.