Heart Disease Prevention

Aug 9


David Cowley

David Cowley

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The number one method of heart disease prevention is to quit smoking. For persons who still smoke they need to cut down and should also avoid polyunsaturated fats in their diet. Vitamins A and D along with saturated fats help protect the lungs.


A person considered at risk for heart disease can take steps towards heart disease prevention.  It is considerably easier to prevent heart disease than it is to fix it once it happens,Heart Disease Prevention Articles and for the most part lifestyle changes are needed for heart disease prevention regardless of age or health risk.

The number one method of heart disease prevention is to quit smoking.  For persons who still smoke they need to cut down and should also avoid polyunsaturated fats in their diet.  Vitamins A and D along with saturated fats help protect the lungs.  A daily walk and about 10 minutes of exercise a day is another way to provide protection against heart disease.  Exercising can also help with the third heart disease prevention tips of avoid becoming overweight.  Eating food rich in nutrients and avoiding sweets will go a long way to providing the heart a healthy diet.

Another leading cause of heart disease is stress and more people tend to work too hard and a person can fight against work-related stress by performing a task they enjoy doing every day.  When unavoidable times of hardship and depression are apparent, supplement the diet with nutrient-rich foods and avoid fast-food meals.

Keeping Environment Free Of Chemicals.

When possible avoid chemical use and fumes that can damage the immune system.  Chemicals, pollutants and pesticides can cause irreparable harm to the body’s systems and avoiding this environmental stress can be one heart disease prevention that is easy to accomplish.

Many foods that are called low fat often contain polyunsaturated vegetable oils.  Refined foods are also usually void of any nutritional value and should be avoided for heart disease prevention.  Foods containing white flour or refined sugar as well as chemical additives can be trouble for the heart.  Eating a diet of seafood, dairy products along with meat and fats from organically grown animals can reduce many of the heart disease risk factors.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is another common heart disease prevention tip handed out by doctors.  Foods that contain phytic acids should also be avoided as they detract from the body’s ability to absorb minerals in the food.  Whole dairy products and whole grain should be consumed regularly as well as foods rich in protective ingredients.

Eating right and getting regular exercise is an important part of heart disease prevention but many of the steps used to prevent heart disease can also have other health benefits.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with heart disease such as Vitamin C,
Niacin and Pectin.

Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure.  Take 1,000 to 5,000 mg daily.

Niacin is the closest thing available to a perfect treatment that corrects most causes of coronary heart disease.  Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells.  Niacin plays a critical role in energy production, gene expression, and hormone synthesis.  You cannot live without it.  Niacin also tends to shift LDL particle distribution to larger particle size and improve HDL functioning.  The intake of 3 grams Niacin for as little as two weeks can reduce serum cholesterol by 26 percent.

Pectin limits the amount of cholesterol the body can absorb.  High pectin count in apples may be why "One a day keeps the doctor away".

This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.