Help with Hemorrhoids

Jun 21


Martin T Lane

Martin T Lane

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Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments to affect men and women. Most people have encountered them at some point in their lives by the time they are 50. As a rule 75% of sufferers manage to control them by over the counter medication and life style changes. For those that are not so lucky surgery may be needed.

Generally internal hemorrhoids are symptom free. The only real symptom is blood on the stool our the toilet paper. The problem with internal hemorrhoids only starts if they prolapse to the outside of the anus,Help with Hemorrhoids Articles this is when they become very painful.

Depending on how big a problem you have with hemorrhoids you may be able to get some relief using a Sitz bath. A sitz bath is a device that generally fits over your toilet and acts like a bidet. You fill it with warm water and sit in it for 10-15 minutes two or three times a day. When you have finished do not dry yourself with toilet paper, use a cotton ball or pad soaked in witch hazel. This will help to reduce the inflammation. Over the counter creams and gels can be used to reduce the itching and burning but do not forget to follow the manufacturers recommendations.

If you are unlucky enough to suffer from a severe hemorrhoid problem then surgery may be your only option. There are a number of methods to remove them.
Rubber band ligation – This is where a rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid cutting of the flow of blood. The hemorrhoid will just wither away within a few days
Sclerotherapy- This is where a chemical solution is injected to shrink the hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoidectomy- Used only in really bad cases this is where the hemorrhoid is surgically removed.

The best way to help prevent hemorrhoids from returning is to.
Change your Diet – Add more fruit and raw vegetables. Do this slowly to avoid any possible stomach upsets
Add more fiber – Add more whole meal products including bread and cereals
Drink more water – You should be drinking six to eight glasses a day
Do not put off going to the toilet – You need to be moving your bowls at least once a day
Do not sit on the toilet for too long – Sitting on the toilet for longer than needed to do the deed should be avoided. Do not sit and read the paper on the toilet.

Finally a reminder that if you are seeing any signs of rectal bleeding you should got to see your Doctor however embarrassed you may be.
