TCM practitioners use acupuncture to help relieve pain and treat different ailments. Did you know you can combine acupuncture with massage oils, moxa rolls, and Chinese herbs to ensure better effectiveness? Find out what TCM tools can be a part of an effective treatment.
Acupuncture therapy is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The holistic healing practice involves the use of acupuncture needles to balance the energy flow of the body. Acupuncture helps in painrelief and treats several ailments such as IBS, digestive issues, heart diseases, controlling weight, etc. It also focuses on curing headaches, anxiety, kidney or liver problems, and respiratory problems such as asthma. Acupuncture promises stress-relief and alleviates pain so that patients can lead a healthy life.
Acupuncture not only involves acupuncture needles but several other TCM tools as well. For effective therapy, an experienced acupuncturist will combine several TCM tools. Let's find out how a TCM professional will ensure the health of his/her patients:
1. Acupuncture Needles
Did you know ancient TCM practitioners used acupuncture needles made of silver or gold? Fast forward to today, acupuncture needles is still the most crucial tool in treating patients. There are several types of acupuncture needles available on the market today. The most common is the thread-like needle known as metal filiform. Usually, acupuncture needles have a stainless-steel body with handles manufactured from different materials such as copper and plastic.
Acupuncture needles come in different diameters and lengths. And, you can make a choice depending on the body part that you are treating. It is always better to use disposable and sterilized acupuncture needles for the safety of your patients. Along with acupuncture needles, TCM practitioners use acupressure magnets and acupuncture ear seeds (for auricular acupuncture therapy).
2. Moxa Rolls, Needle Moxa and Moxibustion Patches
Acupuncturists use moxibustion therapy products along with acupuncture for improving the effectiveness of the treatment. Moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort herb near the acupuncture points to promote faster healing. It warms up the skin and improves circulation. Experts recommend using moxibustion with acupuncture when treating illness associated with the imbalances of Yin (cold). The warmth from burning the moxa products reaches the body and warms the meridians, thus, expelling cold from the body.
3. Infrared Heat Lamps and TDP Lamps
Working on the same principle as Moxa products, TCM practice relies on infrared heat lamps and TDP mineral lamps to provide heat to the body. Acupuncturists use heat therapy in conjunction with acupuncture needles. It improves blood circulation, expedites the healing process, and balances the elements of Yin and Yang. It is important to note that heat therapy can also help in improving muscle flexibility and healing damaged tissues.
4. Chinese Herbs
In TCM practice, acupuncturists make ample use of Chinese herbs and natural supplements to treat several ailments. In addition to using acupuncture needles during the appointment, the Chinese medicine therapist will prescribe natural herbs. It restores the energy balance and lowers the imbalance between the opposing forces of Yin and Yang. Some practitioners offer calming teas and different types of herbal concoctions during and after the acupuncture treatment to calm the senses.
5. Massage Oils and Creams
In the same way, you can use topical oils and massage creams to create a positive and calming effect. With special TCM massage oil, you can manage the imbalance of energy and focus on relieving stress and tension from the body. You can use multiple TCM massage techniques in combination with acupuncture and acupressure therapies. It is known to alleviate pain and promote better health.
In addition to the TCM tools, practitioners use cupping massage sets along with acupuncture. The ancient practice of using special cups to create suction is cupping. It manipulates the flow of energy and balances the forces of Yin and Yang.
Unlike acupuncture needles and Chinese herbal medicines that require a practitioner's license to make the purchase, many TCM tools are available for public consumption. However, remember that the effectiveness of TCM tools is improved phenomenally under the guidance of a professional. So, if you are not a licensed practitioner, it is advisable to book an appointment with a licensed acupuncturist/holistic healing expert in your area and ensure better treatment.
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