Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal
Intense Pulse Light (IPL), Hair Removal is faster, less obtrusive, and more cost effective than any other hair removal system today. With authorised trained technicians, and FDA & TGA approval, Pulse Light Hair Removal is the answer for silky smooth, hair free skin.
Intense Pulse Light (IPL),

Hair Removal is faster, less obtrusive, and more cost effective than any other hair removal system today. With authorised trained technicians, and FDA & TGA approval, Pulse Light Hair Removal is the answer for silky smooth, hair free skin.Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal is the most advanced and effective permanent hair reduction process now available.Far superior to traditional hair removal methods, Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal employs the latest technology to efficiently and effectively remove all hair types, without damaging the surrounding tissue.With little to no interruption to your usual daily routine Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal is the perfect solution for long lasting, permanent hair reduction.What is Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal and how does it work?Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal works by penetrating the epidermis, or top layer of the skin with a specific wavelength of light that targets to reach the dermis underneath in where the hair follicle resides.Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal uses a chilled lens which cools the skin before, during, and after the light pulse, that will give a slight sting or pinch sensation, similar to the snap of a rubber band. Used in conjunction with our protective cold gel, any discomfort or reaction caused by Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal is reduced even further.Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal, also known as photo epilation, specifically targets the follicle during the growth stage, destroying, or severely limiting its regrowth capacity.As at any given time different follicles may be either dormant or active, several treatments are required to effectively cover the treated area.A highly advanced computer regulates the wavelength of light being emitted by the Intense Pulse Light, administering the correct exposure safely to any area, from large sections such as the back or legs, to the more delicate and sensitive areas of the lips, and face.Unlike traditional methods, Intense Pulse Light leaves the surface of the skin undamaged, it also enhances the bodies own natural production of Collagen which in turn improves the condition of the skin.Traditional treatments have had limited effect on lighter hair shades, however by combining the treatment with Meladine to give the hair pigment, all hair colours can be treated safely with Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal technology.Treatment times and exposures may vary depending on the area being treated, hair colour and pigmentation of the skin. Prior to commencing treatment, all clients must have an initial pre-treatment to ascertain the correct level of exposure for their skin type, and to prepare the skin for the following treatment 24 hours later.Although the number of treatments required will vary from client to client, typically Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal is a progressive process, hair reduction increases with each treatment you have, to ensure that you get the very best results from Intense Pulse Light we recommend a minimum of 4 treatments at five week intervals.Your Image by Laser consultant will be happy to discuss with you your individual needs and requirements, and expectations and outcomes of the Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal treatments.For best results it is imperative that once regrowth appears (approximately 5 weeks after the initial treatment) that it is treated immediately.Costs vary depending on the duration of treatment required and the size of the treatment zone.There are several important steps that you can take to get the best result possible from your Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal session. a.) Avoid sun exposure by using spf 30+ total block out sunscreen for 4 weeks prior to your treatment, and 2 weeks afterwards, as melanin, or skin pigment stimulation can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.b.) The area to be treated must be either shaved, or creamed 24 hours prior to the treatment so that the hair will be at the ideal treatment length of 1mm.c.) After Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal, keep the treated area clean and cool, and minimise your exposure to the sun.