Intermediate Bodybuilding Routines
For many bodybuilders the biggest challenge is to move beyond the beginner level. This is when the intensity of the exercise routines goes up a notch. Now the beginners are required to put in that extra bit. This is their ticket to the big league and hence demands the effort. Intermediate bodybuilding requires a bodybuilder to lift bigger weights than what he was doing at the beginner level and do more repetitions of each set than he was doing previously.
Things to Look Out For During the beginner days muscle development is relatively significant. This is because when you start out the opportunities are endless. Since there is so much scope for improvement,

even the minor improvements are noticeable. Things however change when you graduate to the intermediate level. Although now the routine becomes tougher, the gains are less evident. This is because, by the time you move to the intermediate level, your muscles have already developed and now to gain even the slightest of muscle mass you will have to put in a lot extra. And only those who are willing to do that will achieve results. Since the intensity of the workout increases significantly, it also raises the possibilities of injury. With bigger weights and more repetitions, you increase your risk of getting injured by the same proportion. What this means is that you cannot cut down on the rest period. Instead increase the efficiency of your workout. Cut down on the rest between two sets of exercise. Do not let the overall time spent in the gym increase. Smarter exercise routine with a greater focus and dedication will let you maintain the time you spend in the gym to the same previous level.
Know Your RoutineWith the experience you have gathered as a beginner, you should know which exercises work for you and which don’t. You should be confident about your body, but at the same time know the limits of it. Based on this experience and working together with a qualified trainer work out your intermediate exercise routine. As with the beginner routine, ensure that all your body parts get equal focus. This is also the time to concentrate on a few things which have not turned out as expected during the beginner level. Intermediate bodybuilding is more about fine tuning the body and getting it ready for the final level. In the section below we provide a basic exercise routine for intermediate bodybuilders.
A Basic Routine As mentioned earlier you do not have to increase the time you spend in the gym. Instead increase the intensity. Work out for about three days every week. This allows you enough time to rest and recover. You can exercise on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays, or if you want the weekend to be completely free, then you can choose to work out on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. The only thing that you will have to ensure is that there is at least a day off following the day you worked out. So three days of gym does not mean you exercise for three consecutive days and then rest for four days. Spread out the exercise and rest period evenly over the week. During the days you do exercise, focus on specific areas on each day. You can focus on the back, forearms and biceps on the first day. Try four sets of ten repetitions of the front lateral pulls. It helps the mid-back and the biceps. Deadlifts will also help to develop the quadriceps and back. For the back dumbbell rows and shrugs are beneficial. To gain better biceps do four sets of six repetitions of the dumbbell biceps curls. To enhance the effect, do four sets of six repetitions of the dumbbell hammer curls. For your forearms do three sets of ten repetitions of the barbell wrist curls. On the second day focus on the chest, triceps and shoulders. The best exercise for the chest is the incline dumbbell press. Do three sets of six repetitions of this. For the triceps the best option is dips; do four sets of ten repetitions. The good thing about dips is that it also helps in the workout of your shoulders. Talking of shoulders, to make them perfect try front military press, three sets of five repetitions. On the third day, target the lower body. Three sets of 10 repetitions of squats and leg presses are pretty good. You can also try out leg extension, leg curls and standing and seated calf raises. Do two sets of ten repetition of each.