Introduction to Rosacea

Feb 25


Nancy Oh

Nancy Oh

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Find out more about the troublesome skin condition, rosacea.

Although rosacea happens in generally fair skinned people,Introduction to Rosacea Articles do not think that every skin discoloration is rosacea. It could be something else such as acne or psoriasis. The initial step in getting rosacea prescription is getting a right diagnosis from a physician or dermatologist. Rosacea treatment also depends upon your distinct health situation, such as an antibiotic allergy or menopause, so a doctor needs to be familiar with your health history.  The Mayo Clinic suggests specific medication and over the counter pills for rosacea. Antibiotic cures have helped, especially tetracycline and minocycline. Antibiotics also come in cream kind which would be used right on the skin, such as metronidazole. Other topical medicines include benzoyl peroxide and tretinonin. If your rosacea symptoms include red and irritated eyes, then steroid eye drops could be prescribed to suppress the inflammatory processes inside the body. Medication pills employed for acute acne might also be recommended.   In extreme cases, then laser treatment surrounding the nose will be called for. This will erase the blood vessels prominently noticed during rosacea attacks. But procedure is not needed for everyone with rosacea.  The International Rosacea Foundation recommends that anybody with rosacea should take up specific lifestyle tweaks in order to relieve rosacea signals. The individual will abstain from cigars or drinking liquor. The individual also needs to find other methods of handling stress rather than smoking or drinking. Scheduled exercise not only reduces stress, but leads to general improved health, including skin health. Lukewarm instead of steaming hot water may be applied to clean the skin.

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