After years of having sinusitis, are you still having trouble identifying what kind of sinusitis you have? Identifying what kind of sinusitis you have is important for you to apply the right treatment.
Generally, sinusitis is the inflammation of the lining of one or more of the sinuses. Thus, in medical terms, sinusitis is classified according to the inflamed sinuses and its involved side. Be aware that most people, including you, have four sets of sinuses: Maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. Each sinuses is represented on the right and left side of the head.
Maxillary sinusitis causes pain in the mid-face or below the eyes, cheek or upper teeth, almost like you’re having a toothache. Ethmoid sinus infection triggers pain between the eyes, near the bridge of the nose. The pain may also become worse with eyeglasses on. Inflammation in the frontal sinuses causes severe forehead pain. Sphenoid sinusitis is usually identified by deep-seated pain behind the eyes, at the top of the head or nape of the neck.
Still, any number of your sinuses can be inflamed at one time. Pansinusitis means that all sinuses are infected.
Another way of classifying sinusitis is by duration and frequency of attacks. There are two kinds of sinusitis depending on the duration and frequency of attacks: acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis.
Acute sinusitis lasts less than six to eight weeks or occurs less than four times a year. This kind of sinusitis is often preceded by a cold. Once your symptoms last longer than ten to fourteen days, you may already be developing an acute sinus infection, especially if you are feeling facial pain or headache already. During the early stages of acute sinusitis, there is nasal blockage and congestion, excessive mucus in the nose and throat and sneezing. Some may feel malaise and fatigue and fever. Mucus may become thicker and discolored. Throat discomfort and occasional hoarseness may also be experienced due to postnasal drip. Coughing from the postnasal drainage worsen in the morning and at night.
Having acute sinus infection may leave you feeling ear blockage. It may also lead to swelling of the glands, known as lymph nodes in the neck.
Chronic sinusitis is a persistent disease of more than eight weeks’ duration, or more than four episodes of infection per year. This kind of sinus infection may precede acute sinusitis that failed to clear completely with treatment. This may be felt by having postnasal drip with thick mucus in the back of the nose or throat. Another common symptom is nasal congestion or blockage that may extend to the Eustachian tubes resulting to ear fullness. People with chronic sinusitis may also feel being run-down and fatigued.
These two kinds of sinusitis are basically different diseases since each have different symptoms. The courses of treatment applied for each type are also different. If you feel these symptoms, you need further evaluation and treatment in order to avoid future flare-ups and improve the quality of life.-30-
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