Learn What A Face Lift Can Do For You, And What It Will Not Do
Before you get a face lift to correct various facial issues, talk to a doctor. You may find that there is a better procedure out there for you.
Many people are not aware of what a face lift can do,

as they either assume it cannot help them, or they think it will help them more than it really will. This leads to people getting it done for the wrong reasons. If you are trying to figure out if this procedure is for you, consider some of the things it can and cannot do. If you want to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines in order to look younger, you should look into a face lift. If you have sagging facial skin that seems to create jowls around your mouth, which many people do not find appealing, you may be interested in this procedure, too, as it gets rid of extra tissue. Additionally, if your neck is saggy, you should look into this option. While sagging skin on your neck may not seem like a big deal, it can make you look older. Neck lifts can help get rid of this look, but since most people who have saggy skin on their neck also have it on their face, it makes sense to combine both procedures at once to get the younger look you want. One thing that a lift of this type cannot do is get rid of certain facial imperfections that may include acne scars, sun spots, and uneven pigmentation. In addition, do not expect it to eliminate freckles or moles. The point of this surgery is to tighten the tissue and cut off any excess so that it does not sag or create wrinkles, so any issues that are not related to this will likely not be fixed. If you are concerned about such imperfections, consider talking to a dermatologist to find out what you can do. You can see a plastic surgeon for a free consultation to make sure you cannot be helped by this surgery, and if he agrees that a face lift will not help, he can likely refer you to a dermatologist or other doctor who can assist you. If you think you can be helped by a procedure that gets rid of wrinkles and fills in lines, but are afraid of surgery, you should talk to a plastic surgeon about your options. You may benefit from dermal fillers instead, as these can be injected without any incisions. This eliminates the possibility of scarring, and reduces many risks. Of course, like surgical procedures, it may not be right for you, so talk to your doctor to make sure it will help. Some people assume lifts of this kind will be the answer to many of their problems, but the fact is that they are not right for everyone. If you have unrealistic expectations, such as assuming that this surgery will get rid of all facial imperfections, a good doctor should be able to detect these and encourage you to get a different procedure done instead. The only way to find out for sure if you should go for it is to schedule an initial consultation.