For the past six years I have explored parts of the world where people live the longest healthiest lives—regions called Blue Zones—and tried to decipher their secrets. When visiting the Okinawa region, it was obvious that the community’s secret was diet.
For the Okinawans, the diet secret is less is more and more is less. A typical Okinawan meal consists of large amounts of vegetables and a piece of protein. Rather then the American version of protein, which is typically an oversized hamburger, the Okinawan’s rely heavily on tofu to provide the proper nutrients. The tofu prepared in this community comes in dozens of varieties and has a more pleasing taste then the American version. Being low in calories, high in protein, rich in minerals, devoid of cholesterol, eco-friendly and complete in the amino acids necessary for human substance, tofu is almost a uniquely perfect food. Tofu contains phytoestrogen, which has been associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, breast and prostate cancer. It is also believed to have a positive effect on older women’s cosmetic appearance.
By living on a diet combining the gifts of tofu with vegetables and fish, the Okinawan’s have been able to stay thinner, look better and live longer then the average American. The lesson: tofu is part of the cross-cultural formula for living longer, better.
It's Never Too Early to Start Good Life Habits
It's usually not the young among us who are focused on improving their lifestyle and achieving longevity. Why? Simple: longevity's just not on your mind at a young age.An Okinawan Centenarian
For the past six years I have explored parts of the world where people live the longest healthiest lives—regions called Blue Zones—and tried to decipher their secrets. During one Quest, I visited Okinawa, that’s where my team met Ushi Okushima.5 Things You Can Do TODAY To Get Happier!
Studies show that money can buy happiness, but only until the point where you have enough to cover expenses for food, shelter, health care, and transportation. After that, more money brings diminishing returns. So, where to put your energy and resources if you want to maximize your happiness?