Liposuction: What You Can Expect
Liposuction can be a great option for removing unwanted fat deposits that are resistant to traditional forms of weight loss. Knowing the facts about the operation can help you make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you.
Liposuction can be a great option for removing unwanted fat deposits that are resistant to traditional forms of weight loss. Knowing the facts can help you make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you.
It can be hard to get the body you desire simply from diet and exercise.
When lifestyle changes don’t seem to be enough perhaps it is time to consider surgery. Liposuction is the removal of fat deposits with a vacuum and stainless steel tube called a cannula. It can offer permanent removal of deposits that are difficult to lose simply through diet and exercise. Anybody can have this type of surgery done but the younger you are the better the results. As you age skin can lose its elasticity and lead to less stunning results. It can be accomplished in several ways but one of the safest and most effective techniques is called tumescent liposuction. This procedure could be just the thing you need to get the body you want,

but first let’s check out the facts so you know what to expect.
Before you go in for a consultation with a plastic surgeon you should know whether or not you are a good candidate for liposuction. One of the most important things is that you have realistic expectations of what this procedure can correct. You should have already worked on losing weight through natural lifestyle changes before you have this surgery.
It is designed to remove stubborn deposits that are not effectively being decreased by diet and exercise. Along the same lines you must be sure to keep healthy habits after the surgery to ensure you do not regain the weight. It almost goes without saying but you should also be relatively healthy.
People with illnesses like heart disease or diabetes should not undergo surgery like this as they can increase the risk of severe complications. If you have any concerns make sure you talk with your doctor and discuss the dangers associated with your particular procedure. Consulting with your plastic surgeon be sure to list not only all prior medical procedures but also any and all vitamins and medications you take.
It is possible that after considering you options the surgeon will suggest tumescent liposuction. This procedure entails injecting a local anesthetic into the areas to be removed. This fluid serves to both numb and constrict the blood vessels in the area allowing for less blood loss as well as shorter, more pain free recovery. Using the tumescent solution also lets the doctor operate without the use of general anesthetic, which greatly reduces the risk of complication.
On the subject of complications there are some risks involved with liposuction. Although there is a relatively low rate of complications there are still risks to weigh when considering the benefits. The most common side effects are blood pooling and numbness both of which should remediate themselves within a few weeks to months after the surgery. The other thing to consider is the chance of wrinkling or sagging of areas where fat has been removed. Fortunately there are options to have this removed or altered if you decide it is a problem.
Now that you have a general overview of what to expect you should schedule an appointment to consult with a doctor on whether this procedure may be right for you.